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effective protection against spam, malware & PHISHING


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your mailboxes deserve the strongest filters

More than 50% of all email traffic is spam, meaning it is the most intrusive method cyber criminals use to introduce malware and viruses into corporate systems. In addition to the danger of infection with ransomware, spyware or a cryptominer, important workflows can also be interrupted by the annoying flood of unwanted spam emails. A multi-level filtering system in a must if you want to stop spam and phishing emails from reaching your inboxes and disrupting the workflows. And we have just the thing!

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99.9% spam and 99.99% virus detection guaranteed

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Maximizing security for specific tenant needs, via advanced rule creation 

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Self-improving filters that are always up to date

Hosted Spam Filtering and Malware Protection – The Best Protection for Your Email Traffic

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Infomail Filter

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Encryption of Data Traffic

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Phishing Filter

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Bounce Management

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Outbound Filtering

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Automatic Virus Signature Update

Dynamic Virus Outbreak Detection

Multi-level Spam Detection, Dynamic Filter Levels

The easy way to observe compliance policies & regulations

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Compliance filter

Create specific rules for automated application to inbound and outbound email.

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Audit logs

Logins and changes to the Control Panel are logged indelibly and can be viewed by administrators.

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Unwanted attachments can be rejected or quarantined. An adjustable content filter helps you handle unwanted attachments, protection against malware and enforce company policies. You can also set email size limitations to protect against impairment of the mail server and mail traffic due to excessive data volume.

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Standardized SLA for availability and filter performance

The Service Level Agreement (SLA) describes the service’s performance characteristics, among other things. The scope of services such as availability and filter performance is defined in the service description.



Migration and integration without effort

Complete the conversion to Hornetsecurity Spam and Malware Protection in just a few minutes. Set up a domain, adjust basic settings to individual requirements if desired, set up MX records— and you’re done. User data can also be synchronized automatically by connecting to the company’s own directory service (LDAP / AD).

Advanced routing

Are your employees’ mailboxes distributed over different mail servers while all using the same mail domain? No problem! With Hornetsecurity’s Advanced Routing, mails are automatically routed to the various mail servers of subsidiaries, locations, etc. This is adjustable for users, groups or domains.

Central management of email signature

Via the Control Panel, the email footers of all employees can be maintained from a central location. This makes it easy to ensure the inclusion of mandatory information in business communications or to integrate current information for customers.

Modular expansion options

With just one mouse click, you can add other Hornetsecurity services (such as email encryption, Email Archive or the Continuity Service). This way, the service can grow in accordance with your needs.

Quarantine Report at configurable intervals

Users can tailor the delivery of their Quarantine Reports to their way of working and schedule them at specific times—even several times a day.

One-click release

Emails in quarantine can be delivered from the spam report with a simple mouse click, regardless of whether they are alleged spam messages or infomails.

Quick overview thanks to blocking

The vast majority of all spam emails are blocked directly, so that the quarantine and thus the spam report are very small. This gives the user a quick overview of current emails in quarantine.

Securing the email traffic you want

Hornetsecurity ensures that emails reach their destination intact. And if our customer’s mail server is unavailable, incoming emails are stored for up to 7 days.

Easing the burden on the email server

Large portions of email traffic are unwanted and put unnecessary strain on the mail server. The Hornetsecurity spam filter only lets valid messages through, which significantly increases your mail server performance. The integrated virus filter makes an additional protection system superfluous.

Less than 0.00015 false positives

The number of authentic emails accidentally classified as spam is less than 0.00015—so out of one million emails scanned, a maximum of four are falsely classified as spam and quarantined.


Because of the high number of pre-blocked emails, the number of remaining spams in quarantine is small and manageable. If there is a false positive email, it can be found quickly in an easy-to-understand spam report.


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Thumbnail : DMARC Manager

DMARC Manager

Safeguards domains against Email impersonation, phishing, and spoofing with intuitive DMARC, DKIM, and SPF management.