Hornetsecurity Blog

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In our blog, the Hornetsecurity team – especially the experts from the Security Lab – regularly report on IT security topics as well as on current innovations and events at Hornetsecurity.

What Are Email Data Leaks and How to Prevent Them

What Are Email Data Leaks and How to Prevent Them

According to our research published in Cyber Security Report, email continues to be the primary communication channel for many organizations, with over 333 billion emails sent and received daily. Based on projections, that figure will increase to almost 400 billion...

How to Create the Optimal Disaster Recovery Architecture

How to Create the Optimal Disaster Recovery Architecture

We have worked through designing and configuring a backup strategy. We have dispatched others on a quest to define their needs and roles in a disaster situation. Now we need to focus on the critical aspect for the IT admin - to architect a solution that will carry...

How Often Should I be Taking Backups

How Often Should I be Taking Backups

Now you understand your organization’s data protection needs and you have the means to implement them. To bring it to life, you need to design the schedules for your backups. Unless you have very little data or a high budget for backup, you will use more than one...