Hornetsecurity Blog

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In our blog, the Hornetsecurity team – especially the experts from the Security Lab – regularly report on IT security topics as well as on current innovations and events at Hornetsecurity.

The Biggest Data Loss Risks and How to Address Them

The Biggest Data Loss Risks and How to Address Them

The lack of understanding around data protection presents a serious barrier to proper planning. Some organizations fail to adequately plan simply because they do not realize its importance. Others do not feel that the danger justifies the effort. The lack of a plan...

The Role of Backup in Organizational Security

The Role of Backup in Organizational Security

No single security measure will work for every problem or every time. To address that never-ending problem, datacenter administrators depend on a “defense in depth” paradigm. Defense in depth uses a layered approach to security such that multiple items collectively...

How to Secure and Protect Backup Data

How to Secure and Protect Backup Data

Multiple high-profile breaches have made everyone painfully aware of the need for data security. The theft of unencrypted backup tapes from a few major organizations widened the scope to include backup. Unfortunately, information technology departments have not done...