Hornetsecurity Blog

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In our blog, the Hornetsecurity team – especially the experts from the Security Lab – regularly report on IT security topics as well as on current innovations and events at Hornetsecurity.

Unraveling RTO vs. RPO: Key Factors in Disaster Preparedness

Unraveling RTO vs. RPO: Key Factors in Disaster Preparedness

With sufficient funding and infrastructure, any system could theoretically achieve near-constant uptime through any situation. Reality dictates a more conservative outlook. To establish a workable budget and a practical plan, you will need to determine your...

How to Air-Gap and Isolate Your Backups

How to Air-Gap and Isolate Your Backups

In this article, following on from How to Secure and Protect Backup Data, we look at how to isolate your backups using air-gapping, firewall, performing risk analysis for your backup strategy, encrypting backups for additional protection and round off with some...

Why You Still Need On-Prem Backup in The Cloud Era

Why You Still Need On-Prem Backup in The Cloud Era

Cloud technologies have fundamentally altered how we leverage computing resources. From software packages that require no maintenance by the customer to machine learning, the cloud gives us new ways to solve challenges. Unfortunately, it also introduces new problems,...