Hornetsecurity Blog

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In our blog, the Hornetsecurity team – especially the experts from the Security Lab – regularly report on IT security topics as well as on current innovations and events at Hornetsecurity.

How to Get the Absolute Most Out of Your Backup Software

How to Get the Absolute Most Out of Your Backup Software

In the past, we could not capture a consistent backup. Operations would simply read files on disk in order as quickly as possible. But, if a file changed after the backup copied it but before the job completed, then the backup’s contents were inconsistent. If another...

The Golden Rules to Choosing a Backup Provider

The Golden Rules to Choosing a Backup Provider

The connection point is usually when you have received the bulk of your hardware and software purchase and can put it to use. If you have not even submitted orders yet, that’s ideal. If you already have everything, that’s fine as well. You must design the...

How to Make the Undeniable Business Case for Backup

How to Make the Undeniable Business Case for Backup

With the input of business-oriented personnel, you can determine how IT will deliver an appropriate business continuity design. To that end, you need to discover the capabilities of the technologies available to you. Once you know that, you can predict the costs. You...