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Legal notice of Hornetsecurity

Last updated: April 2023

Responsible in the sense of the privacy policy is:

Hornetsecurity Inc.

6425 Living Place, Suite 200

Pittsburgh, PA, 15206

United States

+1 408-416-2585



1. Limitation of Liability

The contents of this web site have been created with the highest possible care. Still, the provider of this web site does not guarantee correctness, completeness or actuality of the information. The user accepts a responsibility when using the contents of this web site. Contents marked with a name express the author’s personal opinion, but not necessarily the provider’s opinion. By simply using this web site, no contract between provider and user is being concluded.

2. External Links

This website contains external links. The content of the linked websites underlies the external provider’s responsibilities. The provider of this site has checked the external links for statutory violations upon linking. At this time, no violations were visible. The provider has no influence on the present and upcoming design and the content of the linked pages. External linking does not mean that the provider considers the content behind the link his. Permanent monitoring of the external links is not possible as long as there is no distinct hint of a violation. After identifying a violation, the external link will be deleted without delay.

3. Copyrights

The content published on this website underlies German copyright law. All kinds of usage that is not allowed by the copyright require the provider’s or owner’s written permission. In particular, this includes reprography, modification, translation, archiving, processing and reproduction of website and database contents and other electronic media or systems. Third party contents and rights are marked as such. Unauthorized reproduction and distribution of single contents or complete pages is prohibited and illegal. Only backup copies and downloads for private, non-commercial use are allowed.

Displaying this website in third-party site frames is only allowed with written permission.

4. Privacy Policy

Detailed information on our privacy policy can be found here.

5. Special terms of use

If special terms of use for this website differ from the paragraphs 1 – 4, this will be noted. In this case, the special terms of use apply.