
Solutions Services Knowledge News

As the number of threats from the Internet increases, you should always stay up to date on IT and malware. You can count on us to provide you with the necessary know-how and the latest news.

 Personal data is a valuable asset that is protected by various laws. If the meaning behind the term cybersecurity is to be paraphrased, it is a bundle of guidelines, concepts and measures that are intended to ensure that your own data, as well as that of customers, are reliably protected.

Straight to the Topic:

Cybersecurity Services:

365 TP Logo

Next-Level Security For Microsoft 365

With intelligent AI-based protection, your security improves by the hour because our Artificial Neural Network evolves to keep Microsoft 365 secure as threats develop. Simplify your security—no hardware, no software, no maintenance—everything happens in the cloud. You enjoy better security through Enabled Threat Intelligence for Microsoft 365. Thanks to our deep passive security, the protection doesn’t get in the way.

Get set up  in 30 seconds or less with our self-onboarding.

365 TPEB Logo

Premium Next-level Security, Compliance and Data Protection for Microsoft 365 

Protect your Microsoft 365 against phishing, ransomware, advanced threats and data loss with 365 Total Protection Enterprise Backup, a unique cloud-based, all-in-one security and backup suite.
Benefit from the expertise of Hornetsecurity, leading email security and backup specialists, known for their tried and tested, award-winning solutions. 365 Total Protection Enterprise Backup is a powerful combination of two established and high-performing services, developed for Microsoft 365. The onboarding process takes only 30 seconds and your first backups are configured in under 5 minutes.

Cybersecurity Products:

Spam and Malware Protection

Hornetsecurity offers the most effective protection against spam and malicious e-mails, with the highest detection rates on the market—guaranteed. Our advanced info mail filter captures cold e-mails and compliance guidelines are conveniently controlled from the Control Panel. As our products are cloud solutions, they are multi-client compatible.

Advanced Threat Protection

 With Hornetsecurity Advanced Threat Protection, threats are blocked in real time—including even the most insidious cyber attacks. No hardware, no software and no maintenance is required. ATP features our most advanced defense methods as well as a unique decryption of malicious documents, so you are well protected against sophisticated fraud and ransomware attacks.

Email Encryption

Hornetsecurity Email Encryption ensures automatic, secure and effective encryption of emails. The highest encryption standards are used for optimal security, and we guarantee confidentiality for every communication partner.. Our complete certificate administration saves you time, plus you can easily set guidelines.

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Knowledge Base:


The term malware is used to describe all kinds of malicious software, but the focus here is on software that is loaded onto your device without your knowledge in order to cause damage. So what is behind the many types of malware?


As soon as a company, a group or an organization communicates online, via e-mail or the like, and stores and transfers data and information, IT security is necessary.


The name Emotet keeps appearing in the news in connection with particularly serious hacker attacks. The BSI even dubbed the malware the most dangerous malware in the world.

Read More Here 

Cybersecurity News:

Let Hornetsecurity keep you up to date on the topic of cybersecurity and share the latest from our Security Lab, which regularly analyzes current threats in detail.

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What is Cybersecurity?

The protection of personal data is a valuable asset that is protected by various laws. If the term cybersecurity is to be paraphrased, then it is a bundle of guidelines, concepts and measures that are intended to ensure that your data and that of your customers are reliably protected. There is no such thing as perfect cybersecurity, but the technical and organizational aspects must be addressed  separately in order to find the best possible solution for your company. This includes:

  • =Definition of Security Processes
  • =Use and Optimization of Security Systems
  • =Definition on Guidelines
  • =Ensure Network and Computer Security
  • =Protection of Communication Channels
  • =Protection of Physical Buildings
  • =Raising Employee Awareness

However, cybersecurity not only includes securing the virtual space. Server rooms must also be specially secured so that someone on site cannot break into the system. Cybersecurity thus covers all aspects of IT security and is expanded to include other core aspects.


The goal is not only to protect the data, but also people, companies and societies from the criminal acts that come under the term “cybercrime.” Therefore, personal data must be protected, personal identities must be secured and individual devices and complex systems must be protected with comprehensive measures. Guaranteeing this protection over the long term requires not only specific training, but also continuing and advanced training measures. Regular cybersecurity awareness training for employees, including those outside IT, ensures elevated security for the company.

Cybercrime – How can security awareness protect against it? A weak point in every cybersecurity system is the implementation of the corresponding measures and guidelines by employees. Regular training should be carried out to raise security awareness among employees and train them how to avoid becoming victims of cybercrime. This is especially true for employees who work outside IT.


The aim of Security Awareness training is to familiarize employees with the various topics that are related to cybersecurity. This includes teaching the safe use of a system and raising awareness of cyber threats.


It is possible for training courses to be carried out in various forms and at different intervals, which means the individual needs of a company can be met. First, the foundation is laid by conveying the underlying processes for IT security. This is then built on with specific company guidelines and processes that protect against cyber attacks as well as the various aspects of Cyber Threat Intelligence.


Understanding how a security system works ensures that employees are made aware of irregularities and threats. It also creates a deeper understanding of the importance of cybersecurity. Training content can be:


  • =Basic information on how information and data security systems work
  • =Confident handling of e-mails and the intranet
  • =Correct handling of mobile data storage
  • =Dangers and risks when using it with mobile devices
  • =Creation of secure passwords and the correct handling of data
  • =Explanation of specific guidelines in the company
  • =Correct response to suspected cyber threats
  • =Use of Cyber Threat Intelligence

The success of security awareness can be demonstrated by collecting data that show the security-relevant incidents within a company. At the same time, categorizing the type of incident can ensure that specific training courses are held for that area.

What is Cybercrime?

The Federal Criminal Police Office uses the term “cybercrime” to describe a whole range of illegal activities that are either committed through the internet or that are directed against networks and the data they contain.


Cyber criminals use malware to penetrate systems in order to cause damage or gain access to data. Cyber attacks can have many different motives, including data and identity theft and blackmailing companies or individuals with sensitive data. In addition, infected computers can be recruited into botnets and controlled remotely. In 2019, the most common cybercrime crimes were:


  1. Identity Theft and Phishing
  2. Use of Malware
  3. Malware for manipulating mobile devices
  4. Data theft through  Social Engineering
  5. Digitale Extortion
  6. Infection of a network or computers
  7. Remote control of a system through botnets

Since cybercrime is the fastest-growing area of crime, it makes sense to work with cyber threat intelligence. Based on information obtained from various sources about the threat and the actor, cybersecurity is increased significantly. The sources include:

  • Open Source-Information
  • Social Media- Information
  • Human Intelligence
  • Technical Information
  • Information from the Darknet

A distinction is made between three types of threat in Cyber Threat Intelligence:

Tactical: Compromise indicators such as IP addresses or file names are used to identify threat actors.

Operational: Systems are integrated that identify the motivation and capabilities of the cyberthreat and make the attacker visible.

Strategic: Guidelines are issued that identify overarching risks associated with cybercrime. This enables a comprehensive corporate strategy to be developed that identifies cybercrime and makes it visible.

How can companies protect themselves? – for example through email security

Communication with customers and partners as well as within the company now happens mainly via email. Because of this, email security is a big part of any cybersecurity system. Companies should look to experts in the field to assess which of the various methods available is best able to ensure their email security.


One of the safest ways to secure e-mail communication is with advanced threat protection, which can defend against even sophisticated cyber attacks. With Hornetsecurity’s Advanced Threat Protection, e-mail attachments are opened in a sandbox where the system can be safely checked to see what changes the file makes.


If your company already uses the Microsoft 365 Cloud, we recommend adding a complete solution like Hornetsecurity’s 365 Total Protection or 365 Total Encryption to fully protect and encrypt your Microsoft Cloud.


However, e-mail security alone is not enough to guarantee full cybersecurity in your company. Virus scanners and regular updates as well as backups of all systems are also necessary. In our article on IT security, you will find everything you need to know about how you can make your entire IT system secure.


Managed service providers often offer complete protection packages for companies and tailor them to each customer. Our Partner Locator will help you find our partners in your area who will be happy to advise you.


One of the most important weaknesses in cybersecurity remains the employee. Since people are easy to influence, they are the main point of attack for hackers. A simple phishing email is often enough to penetrate the company’s system.

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