Previous Control Panel Releases

Written by Aaron-Maletz / 15.03.2019 / Control Panel,Release Notes
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Control Panel Version



That’s new:

  • It is now possible to export the search results as a .csv file in the Email Live Tracking. The exported columns can be selected individually.
  • The Control Panel font has been updated.
  • The Ex-Post-Alert has been automated. Thus, you receive a notification even faster if an email was later recognized as hazardous.
  • Users can now use a function to generate their own API access tokens to use the API.

Fixed Bugs:

  • Partners can select their customers in the role selection correctly again.
  • Problems with the assignment of rights during the synchronization of new mailboxes have been fixed.
  • The search field in the Email Live Tracking has been enlarged.
  • If JavaScript is disabled in the web browser, an error message appears saying that JavaScript must be enabled to use the Control Panel.

Control Panel Version



That’s new:

  • A Progressive Web App is now available for mobile use of the Control Panel.
  • Partner administrators now have access to their customers’ ATP statistics.
  • The setup of the outbound email traffic in 365 Total Protection can now be done automatically.
  • Whitelabeling, email, and support information entries are transferred to the Auditing module and are considered for ongoing changes.

Fixed Bugs:

  • Problems with the missing role change have been fixed.
  • The synchronization of the 365 Total Protection onboarding process has been improved.
  • The performance of the Control Panel has been optimized for Internet Explorer.
  • The role search has been revised and allows an improved assignment of users, customers and partners.
  • New configuration options enable role-based Office 365 synchronization in periodic cycles.
  • The level of detail of display and selection options within the «Threat Live Report» module now depends on the user role used.
  • After a successful off-boarding process, customers who have decided to drop out are supported in their possible return. Already registered customers are quickly and clearly identified and the on-boarding process is made quicker and easier.
  • Outgoing emails from the archive can now be delivered to the user.
  • The HTML CP synchronization of multiple mailboxes within a user account has been improved.
  • The Office365 synchronization now takes into account complete contact information of registered customers.

Control Panel Version



That’s new:

  • The navigation menu has been redesigned. In addition, the head sections are no longer opened by mouseover, but by click.
  • The On-The-Fly statistics can now be hidden and re-displayed by clicking an arrow.
  • The pagination was moved below the information displayed but remains visible.

Fixed Bugs:

  • The HTML Control Panel has been optimized and can now be used with the Internet Explorer 11 without any problems.
  • Tooltips make it easier to quickly identify the direction of incoming and outgoing emails.
  • Control Panel users now receive feedback from the system about all email activities performed.
  • The loading of emails when searching from mobile devices has been improved.
  • The email categories remain in a consistently proportional arrangement and thus allow an error-free display when using the control panel with 13″ monitors.
  • The Threat Live Report is now available in Spanish as well.
  • To clearly display the click statistics, the Threat Live Report diagram bars have been supplemented with % characters.
  • The readability of the Threat Live Report values in the bright design has been improved.
  • The localization of the attacks displayed on the Attack Summary in the Threat Live Report has been improved.
  • An incorrect function for viewing the audit log has been corrected.
  • The display of audit log entries for incorrect login entries has been improved.
  • The performance of synchronizing 365 Total Protection Onboardings has been improved with faster database queries.
  • The onboarding process can only be initiated by partners and is therefore limited to this user group only.
  • Mandatory fields in the Whitelabeling module are now marked with a hint when not filled in.
  • The primary color defined under Whitelabeling is used correctly for the loading screen now.
  • The primary color defined under Whitelabeling is used correctly for the button for selecting the table columns now.
  • The complimentary close in the Email Information tab in the Whitelabeling module has been removed.
  • The contrast of the multiselection of emails in the bright theme has been increased.

Control Panel Version



That’s new:

  • The Threat Live Monitoring has been added to the Control Panel.
    This provides ATP customers with statistics that show all threats in a desired period of time according to different categories.
    In addition, the Live Attack Map shows all attacks in this moment with source, target and type of attack.
  • In the role search, the second button for searching for users or partners has been removed – you can now deactivate the search for users by clicking on the «User search» button.

Fixed Bugs:

  • The live chat in the 365 Total Protection Onboarding is now displayed in the selected language in the Control Panel.

Control Panel Version



That’s new:

  • The setup with Office 365 was implemented for the product 365 Total Protection.
  • A two-step login was introduced to check the account type. This allows Office 365 users to log in to the Control Panel with their Microsoft accounts.
  • Whitelabeling has been enhanced so that information for email templates and support information displayed in the control panel can be stored there.

Control Panel Version



That’s new:

The new Audit Log was integrated into the HTML Control Panel and is tracking changes at the modules User Settings, Black-/Whitelist, Credentials and Login. The old Audit Log is still displayed until all events are tracked by the new Audit Log.


To improve the usability, following modifications were made:


  • The interface is more modern and easier to understand than in the old module.
  • The handling is more intuitive and user-friendly because the buttons were removed from the table and were placed above it.
  • Now it is possible to change the displayed categories individually.
  • It is now possible to view information for API applications which access the Control Panel. For this, the categories Target pathApp ID and App version were included.
  • The search for events is more performant than before.

Control Panel Version



That’s new:

  • The new rights management `Positive Permissions´ includes improved permission settings for different user’s roles within the Control Panel.
  • Increased stability and enhanced performance of the Control Panel

Control Panel Version



Fixed Bugs:

  • Some customers could not log in to the Control Panel via LDAP. This was solved, and all customers can log in successfully now.
  • The multiple selection can be activated and deactivated as requested.
  • Double-clicking on an element in the email search filters by the chosen element correctly.
  • An error in the email selection was corrected: Closing the selection deletes the former selection of marked emails. Previously, selected emails were still selected after closing and reopening the selection, but this selection was not displayed.
  • Errors in the displaying were corrected with this release:
    • The Control Panel is displayed correctly in Internet Explorer.
    • The drop-down menu for filtering incoming mails folds up after the selection.
    • Strings entered in the role selection are correctly marked regardless of case-sensitivity.
    • The layout of all buttons is unified.

Control Panel Version



Fixed Bugs:

  • The performance has been significantly increased: Now it is possible to display emails of all desired periods without any problems.

Control Panel Version



Fixed Bugs:

  • The layout of the Control Panel has been unified and has a nicer look.
  • Errors in displaying the email statistic have been corrected.
  • Loading further content in the role selection works perfectly now.
  • In the mobile display it is visible now that there are more filters than can be seen in the screen capture.

Control Panel Version



Fixed Bugs:

  • Problems with displaying were fixed: The Control Panel is now fully usable with the Internet Explorer as well.

Control Panel Version



That’s New:

  • No more series of numbers: The time and date are now displayed in a readable form in the information of an email.
  • With just one click on the version number you will now be forwarded directly to the version information and can inform yourself about new features and improvements.

Fixed Bugs:

  • The button «Yesterday» for selecting the date is no longer overlapped and can now be clicked.
  • You can now completely customize the table for the e-mail search to suit your own needs. It is possible to move the columns and change the size of individual columns. In addition, all categories can be added or removed as desired.
  • In tablet mode, email search columns no longer overlap and can be customized as desired.
  • Resetting the password with an activation link works again.
  • After the ATP scan button has been clicked and the email has been scanned, you will be forwarded directly to the ATP report when you click again.


  • The API endpoints are now versioned.
  • Some endpoints have been moved or renamed to create a logical structure of the endpoints.
  • A new endpoint for querying the possible locations has been added.

Control Panel Version



That’s New:

  • Until now it was not possible to trigger archived cleanmails. This is now possible in the new version.
  • The password reset email has a new, clearer look.

Fixed Bugs:

  • The search reacts as desired when you enter a search term again.
  • The password can be reset again. Before, both the input of the new password and the activation link did not work.
  • A problem with the display of email headers has been fixed.

Control Panel Version



Fixed Bugs:

  • The rights management was revised because users had access to actions for which they had no authorization.
  • An error in the date selection when selecting the time has been fixed.

Control Panel Version



With the update to version, the Control Panel has been redesigned once again. This has especially increased readability in many areas. In addition, some new functions have been added with this version.

That’s New:

  • The email search has been renamed to Email Security.
  • The date selection has been revised, making the selection of individual time spans even more convenient.
  • The encryption method can now be viewed directly in the email display with a mouseover (move the mouse over the relevant object) over the lock.
  • A double click on the category in the e-mail search filters all emails for this category. (Previously, you had to deselect any category that wasn’t supposed to be displayed.)
  • If you click in the search field, search suggestions are displayed; they have previously moved the displayed emails. Now the size of the filter settings remains unchanged, so the desired email is also hit.
  • Improved the search with search parameters.
  • When changing the role in the role selection, the information is passed on to the selected module without having to reload it.

Fixed Bugs:

  • Hidden information about a selected email is hidden when you scroll to the next page.
  • A login attempt is only possible with registered user data.
  • The role search was optimized because some entries were not found after the first search query.

Control Panel Version



That’s New:

  • The Advanced Threat Protection scan option is now available in the Control Panel.
  • Furthermore all shown emails in the email search module can be selected at once.
  • A leading zero has been added to the time format for single-digit times.

Fixed Bugs:

  • The activation of the account after resetting the password is now possible again.
  • Incoming emails from senders on the user’s blacklist can be delivered again.
Control Panel Version



New features:

  • Now the blacklist and whitelist module is also available in its HTML format. (The functionality is still limited and should be used in the «old» control panel.

Fixed bugs:

  • All outgoing emails are displayed in the Control Panel (Not all outgoing mails are imported into CP).
  • Emails can be delivered from the Control Panel.
  • Emails can now be marked as spam or infomail again.
  • A few textual changes in the blacklist and whitelist module were made.
  • An adjustment of the buttons for the email actions in a bright design was made (They were not visible in certain colorings).
  • The delivery of infomails as user is possible again.
  • An adaptation for the synchronization of the information email address in the control panel was made.
Control Panel Version



The Hornetsecurity Control Panel has a new look.

  • The email search has been implemented in HTML, other modules will follow step by step.
  • There is a whitelabelling option for partners with which the control panel can be adapted to the corporate design.
  • New speed statistics of the displayed emails have been added. This gives you a quick overview of all emails.
  • In order to be able to use all functions of the «old» control panel, the Flash modules are integrated into HTML until implementation.