Control Panel Version

Written by Hornetsecurity / 27.05.2019 / Control Panel,Release Notes


  • The new customer administration is available: partners and customers can see which domains are existing and when they were created. You can use the new module in read-only mode until it is fully implemented.
  • The new refresh button updates the search request without deleting the inputs and filters.
  • The new email status „detained” was added which enables searching for quarantined emails in the Control Panel.
  • The 365 Total Protection onboarding actions are logged in the Audit module and thus can be tracked.


  • The mobile view of the email statistics under Reporting and Compliance was adjusted so that fields and headings do not overlap anymore.
  • Easy configuration of 365 Total Protection: The automatic installation of the connector is executed correctly for all customers now.
  • The button “Whitelist & deliver email” in the Email Live Tracking adds the sender to the user’s whitelist and delivers the email as requested.
  • The Infomail filter is activated by default for all Total Protection customers with this fix.
  • The design of the Control Panel was adjusted for a better readability.
  • Problems loading the Flash modules were fixed.
  • In some cases, the email statistics could not be loaded. They are correctly displayed now.
  • Due to a rendering failure by Firefox white lines appeared in the Threat Live Report attack map. With the fix the display error was removed and the map is as vivid as before.
  • The drag & drop function for adjusting the display in the Email Live Tracking behaves as requested.
  • The Black- and Whitelist module is displayed for the end user now. Thus, Black- and Whitelist entries can be created on a user basis by the corresponding end user.
  • The error message for logging in with incorrect credentials was not displayed. This bug has been fixed.