Security Awareness Service: Nuevos supuestos de phishing del 21 de marzo
Incorporaremos los siguientes nuevos supuestos de phishing, incluyendo opciones estacionales, a partir del 18 de marzo de 2025:
Objeto del correo | Descripción breve | Descripción |
Internal Job Offer | New position inside the company | A new position inside the department of the user is open |
Employee Satisfaction Survey – We Value Your Feedback | Feedback form from the user’s company | User received a feedback form from his company to help them build a better workspace |
Invitation: Join Us for Our Annual Event in December | Invitation to the company event | User received invitation to the annual event of his company |
Congratulations! You’ve Won an Office Desk Plant | Winner of the desk plant giveway | User is the winner of the desk plant giveway |
Order Confirmation | Cancel a order | User need to cancel a order to avoid being billed |
Share Your Preferences – Office Snack Survey | Renewal of the snack offer | User need to fill a survey to indicate his snacks preferences |
Subscription Cancellation Notice | User StreamFlix subscription is being cancelled | User need to update his streaming subscription to avoid being cancelled |
Join Our Office Joke Contest And Submit Your Best Joke! | Office Joke contest | User can participate to a office joke contest to win a prize |
Help Us Update the Office Playlist! | Improvement of the office playlist | User can send his favorite song to improve the office playlist |
Customs Fee Required | Awaiting package | User need to pay customs fee to release is package |
Win Tickets for Your Favorite Artists | Win Tickets for Your Favorite Artists | User can participate to a giveway to win tickets for a world tour of famous musicians |
Join Our Office Easter Egg Hunt | Easter Egg Hunt inside the office | (Seasonal Scenario) Marketing team is lauching a easter egg hunt inside the office |
IRS Tax Return Reminder | IRS Tax Return Reminder | (Seasonal Scenario) Users submit in tax return for 2024 if he didn’t do it already |
Champions League Final Tickets + Hotel in Munich | Champion League tickets to giveaway | (Seasonal Scenario) Colleague of a user if giving away his champion league tickets |
Estos supuestos estarán disponibles en los siguientes idiomas:
- Albanés
- Albanés (Kosovo)
- Alemán
- Alemán (Austria)
- Alemán (Suiza)
- Bosnio
- Búlgaro
- Checo
- Chino (Simplificado)
- Chino (Singapur)
- Croata
- Eslovaco
- Esloveno
- Español
- Español (Chile)
- Español (Colombia)
- Francés
- Húngaro
- Inglés (EE. UU.)
- Italiano
- Macedonio
- Malayo
- Montenegrino
- Neerlandés
- Polaco
- Portugués
- Rumano
- Serbio
- Sueco
- Turco
- Ucraniano