Security Awareness Service: New Phishing Scenarios 5. December 2024

Written by Hornetsecurity / 21.11.2024 / Security Awareness Service

We will add the following new and seasonal Phishing scenarios starting on 5.12.24 (in English only):

E-Mail SubjectShort DescriptionDescription
Missed meeting with the HR departmentMissed meeting with the HR department – HR need a justification.The user missed a alleged meeting with the HR department. He need to contact them soon to provide a justification
Incoming package awaiting deliveryIncoming package awaiting delivery – Fees to payThe user have a incoming package awaiting delivery. He need to pay fees to have it.
Your mailbox password will expire on {{next_working_day}}Mailbox’s password to changeThe employee is asked to change the password of his domain’s mailbox to avoid expiration.
Verify you TWINI account nowUser need to verify his TWINI account.User must verify his TWINI account within 2 days to avoid the suspension of his account
Louis Vuiton Bags Up To 90% Off untilThe user is informed that he can get discount on Louis Vuitton products.The user can allegedly have Louis Vuitton bags up to 90% off by visiting a website
Your payslipThe user received a payslipThe user received his latest payslip, he need to click on a attachment to view it.
Cloud is fullCloud account of the user is fullThe cloud account of the user is nearly full and he need to add more storage capacity by upgrading his cloud plan
Email from {{ sender.GivenName }} {{ sender.FamilyName }}Email sent from the CIOEmail from the CIO to the user was blocked and he need to click on a link to unblock it
Shared file from {{ colleague.GivenName }} {{ colleague.FamilyName }}A colleague of the employee shared a file with himUser need to click on a link until 3 days to access a file shared by a colleague.
{{colleague_firstname}} {{colleague_lastname}} shared a file with youA colleague of the employee shared a file with himA colleague of the employee shared a file with him and he need to open it quickly to check it.
New organization chart for {{ department }}Employee received a new organization chartThe employee received the new organization chart from HR department and need to open a attachment to see it.
Reminder: Performance review for {{ department }}Performance review is approchingThe employee need to perform his performance review if he’s working in a certain department
Please, call me backUnexpected phone request from a colleagueA colleague from a different department need to speak urgently with the employee
Action Required: Update Your JlRA AccountJlRA account verificationUsers must check their JlRA account to avoid being blocked
Action Required: Update Your SaIeforce AccountSaIeforce account verificationUsers must check their SaIeforce account to avoid being blocked
Action Required: Update Your Contluence AccountContluence account verificationUsers must check their Contluence account to avoid being blocked
Register now to claim your free Christmas tree!Free Christmas treeUsers must register quickly to get a free christmas tree
Important: Current Polls for the 2025 German Federal Election2025 German Federal Election PollsUsers need to give his opinion for the 2025 German Federal Election Polls
Important: Pending chat messageImportant message in chatUsers must review a important message in his team chat