Control Panel Version

Written by Anja Bußmann / 13.01.2020 / Control Panel,Release-Notes


  • A new version of the manual has been embedded in the Control Panel. A button in the header allows you to switch between the Control Panel and the manual.
  • A new button enables you to easily receive the Spam Report every hour.
  • The module „Mailboxes“ under „Customer Settings“ has been implemented as an HTML module. There you can now also fill in data about the mailboxes.


  • In the module „Mailboxes“ under „Customer Settings“ several bugs have been fixed.
  • Bugs concerning the revisions under „Security Settings“ have been fixed.
  • Under „Black- & Whitelist“ a bug concerning the CSV export has been fixed.
  • If O365 customers adjust their settings, the settings are no longer automatically reset every hour.