Control Panel Version

Written by Anja Bußmann / 15.09.2023 / Control Panel,Release-Notes


  • The “Mark as private” email action has been revised and now updates the status of the email in the “Email Live Tracking” module.


  • In the “Dashboard” module, the display of licensed mailboxes has been modified.
  • In the “Customer Settings > Mailboxes” module, the filter for the “Mailbox” type has been revised and now only shows normal mailboxes.
  • During the setup of 365 Total Protection, the link for the initial setup can now also be copied in the Safari browser.
  • The button for accessing version information of the Control Panel is no longer hidden behind the scroll bar in the Firefox browser.
  • The drop-down menu for selecting domains in the “Spam and Malware Protection” module has been improved and can now be searched.
  • In the “Reporting & Compliance > Auditing 2.0” module, the entry for the activation of the privacy mode of the Security Awareness Service has been renamed to “Security Awareness Service: privacy mode”.