Control Panel Version
- Our email service Hornet.email now includes the “Compromised Account Detection” feature. It notifies users with weak passwords or passwords that have been exposed in data leaks, and prompts the users to change their password. Furthermore, it stops users from sending emails if they have sent many emails to different recipients in a short time. These measures protect accounts from being compromised and stop compromised accounts from unintentionally sending spam.
- A new version of the Outlook add-in for 365 Total Protection customers is available. The new version includes an archive search and user interface imrpovements. To update to the new version, customers must first uninstall the current add-in in the “365 Total Protection” module and then reinstall the add-in. It may take up to 12 hours until the uninstallation completes and a reinstallation is possible.
- An error while configuring the delivery times of quarantine reports has been fixed.