Control Panel Version

Written by Isaac Soriano-Tapia / 27.06.2022 / Control Panel,Release-Notes


  • With dictionaries, it is now even easier to create filter rules in the “Compliance Filter” module. Dictionaries are lists of search terms (regular or literal expressions) that can be referred in filtering rules. While creating filter rules with the “Advanced” criterion, customer-level administrators can add an unlimited number of options to a form field by simply linking a dictionary, instead of having to enter each option manually in the field. Customer-level administrators can create, edit and delete dictionaries in the new “Dictionaries” tab. For more clarity, the “Compliance Filter” module automatically deletes empty entries and duplicates within dictionaries.
  • In the “Deny & Allow Lists” module, client-level administrators now have more options when creating allow list records. They can create alow list records for mail addresses, domains and IP addresses and ranges, and can indicate in the allow list records the specific filters that are invalidated for the specified items. In addition, administrators at the client level can exclude URLs from certain domains from being processed by the URL Rewriting engine. For easier operation, whitelist entries can be exported and imported as a CSV file.
  • In the “Audit Log 2.0” module, it is now possible to export audit log entries.
  • Entries in the S/MIME Users tab of the Email Encryption module can now be sorted by email address, first name, and last name.
  • For additional security, users are now notified by email when their password has been changed, a delegate has been added for their account, or if there have been multiple failed login attempts for their account.
  • In the “Mailboxes” module, it is now possible to delete multiple mailboxes at the same time.


  • In the “Compliance Filter” module, it is now possible to evaluate longer regular expressions.
  • In the “Compliance Filter” module, the logic for applying filter rules to emails with multiple recipients has been improved. If a filter rule only matches some of the recipients of an email, the action will only affect the delivery of that email to those recipients. This allows different actions to be performed for different recipients of the same email.
  • In the “Audit Trail 2.0” module, duplicate records are no longer generated after trying to add an email address to the allow list from the “Email Live Tracking” module when this email address is already on the allow list.
  • From now on, in the “Spam and Malware Protection” module, the addresses entered for the “IP addresses of relay servers for outgoing emails” option are not deleted when this option is disabled.
  • In the “Mailboxes” module, importing large numbers of mailboxes from a CSV file is now faster.
  • An error when importing accounts from a CSV file in the “Mailboxes” module has been fixed.
  • An error when exporting in CSV format in the “Deny & Allow Lists” module has been fixed.
  • A bug in the display of tooltip texts in the “Email Authentication” module has been fixed.
  • A bug in the settings related to SPF check in the “Email Authentication” module has been fixed.
  • In the “Email Live Tracking” module, the “ATP Scan” email action is grayed out if Advanced Threat Protection is not enabled for the customer or the email does not contain attachments.
  • A display error in the app switcher has been fixed.
  • A display error in the “LDAP Connection” tab of the “Service Dashboard” module has been fixed.
  • Entries in the “Deny & Allow Lists” module are no longer case sensitive.
  • In the “Spam and Malware Protection” module, a bug when enabling the “Save” button has been fixed.
  • In the “Email Live Tracking” module, a display error at low network speed was fixed.
  • Users who have been assigned a deleted mailbox in the “Mailbox reassignment” tab of the “Mailboxes” module can now access the emails from the deleted mailbox in the “Email Live Tracking” module.
  • When migrating to 365 Total Protection, the current settings are cached in case the administrator returns to the previous view.