Control Panel Version

Written by Aaron-Maletz / 20.01.2022 / Control Panel,Release-Notes


  • A new version of 365 Total Protection has been introduced, including 365 Total Backup. Thus, the initial setup has been simplified.
  • In the log entries in the “Auditing 2.0” module, the values that have been changed by an event are now highlighted by shading.
  • In the “Email Live Tracking” module, new icons for the direction of emails have been introduced.
  • In the scope selection, a new icon for partners has been introduced.


  • Several improvements have been made to Webmail, the web client of our service.
  • In the “Email Live Tracking” module, an error in displaying archived emails has been fixed.
  • In the “Mailbox Reassignment” tab of the “Mailboxes” module, a warning message has been improved.
  • When uploading a logo in the “Email template” tab of the “Customization” module, the MIME type of the file is now also checked. Only .png logos are accepted.
  • In the “Email Authentication” module, an error while clicking on the advanced options has been fixed.
  • In the “Email Authentication” module, the display of advanced options has been modified.
  • In the “Email Authentication” module a warning message has been changed.
  • In the “Email Authentication” module a display error has been fixed.