Control Panel Version

Written by Anja Bußmann / 28.01.2021 / Control Panel,Release-Notes


  • The former “Whitelabeling” module has been renamed “Customization”, and the structure of the module has been revised.
  • In the “Quarantine Report” module, it is now possible to exclude senders on deny lists from quarantine reports. For this purpose, it is checked for quarantine reports for individual users whether the sender is on the user’s deny list or on the deny list of the domain. For quarantine reports for a whole domain, it is only checked whether the sender is on the deny list of the domain.
  • To detect and reject outbound spam, a machine-learning engine has been implemented. This improves the reputation of the relay service.


  • The performance of the Control Panel has been improved.
  • The search function in the scope selection has been improved.
  • Quarantine reports have been improved. The display of quarantine reports has been optimized, including improvements for the Lotus Notes email client. Moreover, email addresses from quarantine reports can now be copy-pasted into the Control Panel.
  • An error regarding the addition of long email addresses to deny lists has been fixed.
  • The assignment of environments to mailboxes with LDAP synchronization has been improved.
  • Once a mailbox is deleted from the Control Panel, all related forwardings will now also be deleted.
  • In the “Mailboxes” module, CSV import errors have been fixed. Furthermore, an error while adding mailboxes with long email addresses has also been fixed in the module.
  • In the migration to 365 Total Protection, an error during the automatic configuration of the connector for outbound email traffic has been fixed.
  • In the “Archiving” module, display errors have been fixed. Furthermore, an error that occurred when auditors generated CSV exports has been fixed.
  • In the “Email Live Tracking” module, an error regarding the action “Add sender to allow list & deliver email” has been fixed. Administrators can now perform this action on their own emails classified as Threat.
  • In the “Compliance Filter” module, administrators can now filter by inactive rules.
  • In the “Continuity Service” module, a display error has been fixed.