Control Panel Version

Written by Anja Bußmann / 14.12.2020 / Control Panel,Release-Notes


  • The former Advanced Routing module under Security Settings has been implemented in HTML and is now located in the Service Dashboard under Secondary Environments.
    • Under Secondary Environments, administrators can add other destination servers for the incoming email traffic of mailboxes in addition to the primary environment from the Spam and Malware Protection module. These destination severs are called secondary environments. Unlike the former Advanced Routing module, the destination servers can from now on only be assigned to individual mailboxes and no longer to groups. Existing assignments of destination servers to users and groups are transferred from the former Advanced Routing module.
    • For LDAP customers, mailboxes will still be assigned secondary environments based on the synchronized group if a secondary environment with the group name already exists in the Control Panel.
    • Under Customer Settings, administrators can assign secondary environments that have been previously created in the Service Dashboard to mailboxes.
    • The CSV import and export of mailboxes now also include the environments of mailboxes.
  • The LDAP Connection tab under Service Dashboard has been implemented in HTML.
    • The synchronization of basic data for Signature and Disclaimer now uses the same LDAP filter as the general synchronization of users and groups in the Control Panel. Existing LDAP filters are transferred from the former module to the new one. However, the current settings will be overwritten by new settings when saved next time.
  • Notifications about the activation and deactivation of services have been revised.
  • S/MIME users from the Email Encryption module can now use the keyword CRYPT again in the subject line of their outgoing emails to encrypt emails with S/MIME.


  • In the modules Email Live Tracking, Service Dashboard and Auditing 2.0, it is now again possible to reset data.
  • In the Email Live Tracking module, an error that occurred while performing the email action „Add sender to allow list & deliver email“ has been fixed.
  • An error regarding the delivery of emails from quarantine has been fixed. Once an email has been delivered, ist delivery status is updated and it cannot be delivered again.
  • An error regarding the delivery of emails from quarantine reports to alias addresses has been fixed.
  • In the Mailboxes module, all customers can now again import CSV files that they have exported from the Control Panel before.
  • In the Auditing 2.0 module, an event type has been added for modifying the appearance of quarantine reports.
  • For the event type Deny & Allow Lists in the Auditing 2.0 module, the names of the users who really changed a deny or allow list are now displayed.
  • In the Email Encryption module, there is now a character limit of 21 characters for the first and last names of S/MIME users.
  • An error regarding the processing of encryption rules from the Email Encryption module has been fixed.
  • An error regarding the application of Compliance Filter rules has been fixed.
  • For the migration of 365 Total Protection, an error message has been added that is dispayed if the onboarding form is not correctly completed.
  • The display of input fields has been revised.
  • Buttons for the deletion of entries have been standardized.
  • An error regarding the display of buttons on small devices has been fixed.