Control Panel Version

Written by Anja Bußmann / 29.09.2020 / Control Panel,Release-Notes


  • In the Quarantine Report module, administrators can now select a layout for the quarantine reports. They can choose between the current default layout, which is selected as the default option, and an enhanced layout. The enhanced layout contains buttons for the delivery and preview of emails from quarantine reports.
  • The email preview function redirects the user via an encrypted link to a Web service where the content of the email is displayed in a secure fashion. Images, links and other active content are disabled or replaced with secure placeholders. If necessary and possible, the layout and encoding of the email are slightly modified in order to display the content of the email.
  • The feature Malicious Document Decryption of Advanced Threat Protection has been extended. Malicious Document Decryption is now also used in URL Scanning and decrypts and checks encrypted files and archives that are linked in emails for malware.