Control Panel Version

Written by Isaac Soriano-Tapia / 13.08.2020 / Control Panel,Release-Notes


  • The module Email Authentication for setting SPF, DKIM and DMARC has been implemented in HTML.
  • The search in Email Live Tracking now also works in capital letters (case-insensitive).


  • The display of email categories has been reworked in different colors.
  • Linguistic changes were made in the spam report.
  • The display of logos and support information in the spam report has been revised.
  • Some users were only displayed in the Flash Control Panel, these can now also be found in the HTML Control Panel.
  • All emails sent from the control panel are now completely whitelabel compatible.
  • Some emails sent from the Control Panel have been improved in language.
  • The currency displayed for costs incurred when booking Total Protection is now displayed based on the “currency” field in the Contract Manager.
  • The design of modal dialogs for deleting has been standardized.
  • Advanced Threat Protection can only be enabled if Spam and Malware Protection has been enabled previously.
  • The design of buttons and drop-down lists has been changed.
  • Adding forwarding addresses has been improved and redesigned.
  • Some error messages have been revised.
  • A message is displayed in the area selection if the search returns no results.