Control Panel Version

Written by Anja Bußmann / 16.07.2020 / Control Panel,Release-Notes


  • The module Email Encryption has been implemented in HTML.
  • In the tab Enryption Policies under Email Encryption, the rules for encrypting incoming and outgoing emails are now listed in two different tables. From now on, the priorities of rules can also be changed. Please note that it is not yet possible to create email templates for the Websafe feature in the new HTML module. If you have created templates in the previous module, these templates will be applied. If you would like to create new templates, please contact support.
  • In the tab S/MIME Users under Email Encryption, it is now possible to export the data of S/MIME users as a CSV file. Additionally, a search function for the list of S/MIME users is now available. The total number of S/MIME users and the number of S/MIME users who have already received a valid S/MIME certificate are now also displayed. Please note that there is now a 3-month cancellation period for subscriptions, to not automatically renew S/MIME certificates for another 12 months.
  • From now on, a check will be performed before saving the settings in the module Whitelabeling to verify if the URL of the customized Control Panel is valid. This check verifies if the URL points to the default URL of the Control Panel in a CNAME record.
  • Under Role management and contacts in the module Service Dashboard , you can now also filter the entries by email addresses.


  • The display of the scope selection has been improved.
  • Display errors in the module Email Live tracking have been resolved.
  • An error concerning the function “Add sender to allow list & deliver email” has been resolved.
  • Errors concerning the audit access have been resolved.
  • The search function in the module Deny & Allow Lists has been improved.
  • Errors concerning the editing of settings in the module Spam Report have been resolved.
  • An error concerning the migration with Microsoft 365 has been resolved.