E-training progress statistics can now be exported to CSV under “Security Awareness Service” > “Statistics” > “E-Training”.
An email filtering configuration mode indicator is introduced next to the scope selection (MX, Hybrid and API). This information is visible to all Control Panel roles.
Under “Security Settings” > “Spam and Malware Protection”, hybrid customers (with Spam and Malware Protection, Advanced Threat Protection and Ex Post Deletion enabled) can now select a new action to be performed on their email flow: move to a native or custom Microsoft folder.
Under “Security Settings” > “Spam and Malware Protection”, API customers (former 365 Extended Email Protection customers) can now select a new action to be performed on their email flow: move to a native or custom Microsoft folder.
Under “Security Settings” > “Spam and Malware Protection”, administrators of hybrid and API customers can now customize their threat response for each infomail subclassification and per domain.
Infomail detection is now enabled by default for all API and hybrid customers. However, no actions are taken on the emails until an administrator selects one besides “No action”.
Under “Email Live Tracking”, a new “Action” column gives more information to API and hybrid customers to know what kind of email filtering action has been performed for a given email (move, tag, quarantine, etc.)
Under “Email Live Tracking”, a new “Action” filter enables an administrator or the role service_desk (for API and hybrid customers) to filter emails based on the action which was performed on the email (tag, quarantine, move, etc.)
365 Extended Email Protection customers are migrated to an adapted version of the Control Panel in API mode, under 365 Total Protection Enterprise. They now have access to 365 Permission Manager, the User Panel, Control Panel customization and the full scope of the Security Awareness Service.
365 Extended Email Protection administrators and users with the role service_desk now see “Clean” and “Infomail” emails in the “Email Live Tracking” module.
The onboarding for 365 Extended Email Protection has been removed from the “365 Total Protection” page and will be replaced by a new onboarding soon.
Under “Security Settings” > Spam and Malware Protection”, an administrator can now deactivate “Spam and Malware Protection” for a given alias domain.
When clicking on a link inside an email sent by the Control Panel, the domains of the URLs are now systematically whitelabeled, taking into account the customer’s region.
The email statistics reports are now sent using a customer’s customized email address.
Under “Security Settings” > “Compliance Filter”, error messages are now displayed when invalid data is entered in a field.
When onboarding a new customer, a partner can now reuse their email address in the onboarding form.
When adding a new IP address under “Security Settings > Spam and Malware Protection”, the entered values are now checked, and an error message is displayed if they are not formatted correctly.
When establishing a connection to the Microsoft Partner Center fails, more explicit error messages are displayed to explain what went wrong.