Control Panel Version

Written by Hornetsecurity / 27.05.2024 / Control Panel,Release-Notes


  • In the Statistics tab of the Email Statistics module statistics can be generated and downloaded as a PDF file.
  • In the Scheduled Report tab of the Email Statistics module the static monthly offline report can now be configured to be send daily, weekly or monthly and the recipients can be selected. Also external recipients can be provided.
  • Austrian has been added to the languages of the Security Awareness Service.
  • The version number of the Control Panel/User Panel has been added to the bottom of the Dashboard of the User Panel.
  • The Secure Links statistic in the Reporting & Compliance module under Threat Live Report has been removed.
  • The default contact information in the Control Panel/User Panel has been changed, now only a link to the support contact form is shown.


  • An error message has been improved, when creating forward mailboxes with more than 100 recipients.
  • An error when excluding groups of only forward mailboxes from the Security Awareness Service has been fixed.
  • An error adding the support information of customers from the Customization module to the Quarantine Report has been fixed.
  • The link when opening the teachable moment from the User Panel’s Phishing Simulation module has been updated.