IT Security Information

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Hornetsecurity Hybrid Cloud Adoption Survey

Hornetsecurity Hybrid Cloud Adoption Survey

Hybrid Cloud: 2 in 3 IT Pros state it’s their Future  About the hybrid cloud adoption survey  Migration to cloud technologies has always seemed like an inevitable, yet somewhat far off event. The events of the past two years, however, have accelerated the adoption...

1 of every 4 companies suffered at least one email security breach, Hornetsecurity survey finds

1 of every 4 companies suffered at least one email security breach, Hornetsecurity survey finds

Email security is one of the main topics of concern for any IT department, and for good reason. Security breaches often lead to loss of sensitive data, operation downtime, and lost revenue. So we conducted an email security survey of 420+ businesses, and found that 23% of them, or 1 in 4, reported an email-related security breach. Of these security breaches, 36% were caused by phishing attacks targeting arguably the weakest point of any security system, end users…
Leakware-Ransomware-Hybrid Attacks

Leakware-Ransomware-Hybrid Attacks

Since December 2019, ransomware operators have been using leakware/ransomware hybrid attacks more and more often. These attacks combine the classic ransomware attack with a leakware attack. In a classic ransomware attack, the victim’s data is encrypted and is only decrypted back after the victim pays a ransom fee to the ransomware operators. In a leakware attack, the data is stolen, and the victim is blackmailed with the data being published publicly unless he pays a certain fee. In a leakware/ransomware hybrid attack, the data is first stolen, then encrypted. Then the victim is first asked to pay the ransom for decryption. If the victim declines to pay the ransom, the attackers threaten him to release the stolen data publicly. In some cases, business partners and/or customers of the victim are also contacted and informed of the impending data release to put even more pressure on the victim.
Emotet in encrypted attachments – A growing cyber threat

Emotet in encrypted attachments – A growing cyber threat

The cybercriminals behind the banking Trojan Emotet are working hard to circumvent anti-virus filters with various tricks and spread the malware on many more systems. From email conversation thread hijacking, through changes of the web shells, to updating the Emotet-loader, which led to a huge increase in malware downloads. Now Emotet is again sending encrypted attachments via its malspam to further expand its botnet network…
Email Conversation Thread Hijacking

Email Conversation Thread Hijacking

You should only open email attachments and links from senders you know is an advice often given when it comes to preventing email-based malware and phishing attacks. However, in this article we outline an attack technique called email conversation thread hijacking, which uses victim’s existing email conversations and thus trust-relationships to spread to new victims. Against this attack the previous advice will not help. We explain how email conversation thread hijacking is used by attackers, and why it dramatically increases the likelihood for victims to open malicious links or malicious attachments.