
Definition, Types of attacks & Prevention

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In today’s digital age, cyberattacks pose a significant threat to organisations of all sizes. In this article, you’ll gain a clear understanding of what cyberattacks are, explore common types and discover practical strategies for preventing them.

What is a cyberattack?

A cyberattack is any attempt by nefarious individuals to target an organisation’s IT infrastructure, networks, systems, or devices to either steal, expose, or destroy information or assets. When carried out successfully, cyberattacks impact your business in more ways than one. From increasing the likelihood of a future cyberattack to putting your organisation in legal jeopardy, cyberattacks have the ability to inflict serious harm across your organisation if left unchecked.

Some of the more common types of cyberattacks include:

In order to prevent cyberattacks, it’s important to educate your staff on cybersecurity best practices. Utilizing AI-based cybersecurity solutions can also enhance your security posture and make it easier to detect and neutralize threats before they cause damage.

How to prevent cyberattacks

As new families and variants of malware increase exponentially, traditional email security systems are increasingly overwhelmed. Adding another layer of email security is often essential when it comes to using cloud-based email. Discover our email security solution features an artificial intelligence engine that taps into a massive database to successfully identify brand-new families and variants of ransomware and other emailed threats.

Using 10,000+ heuristic algorithms with eight levels of analysis, our solutions scans billions of emails across the globe every day to detect known and unknown threats such as zero-day malware, ransomware variants, and even sophisticated social engineering attacks embedded in phishing emails. This global analysis is then combined with local and behavioral analysis to study organizational and individual styles and behavior and thereby identify suspicious patterns.


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