Changes to Security Awareness Service Publication on February 8, 2024


  • Excluded users can now receive feedback from the customer’s IT support after reporting a suspicious email via the Phishing Reporter.
  • The configuration of the Awareness Engine has been improved. Users will no longer experience long breaks in the phishing simulation. This change does not affect users in booster training (Single User Booster, Productivity Booster).
  • A wrong term in a phishing scenario for public authorities has been corrected.
  • An error that prevented the generation and execution of phishing suggestions while the ESI® cache was in use has been fixed.
  • Improvements have been made in the backend.

Changes to Security Awareness Service in Control Panel Version


  • Under “Security Awareness Service” > “Configuration” > “Phishing Simulation”, a minor error leading to the incorrect display of some translations has been fixed.
  • Under “Security Awareness Service” > “Statistics”, an error that caused the incorrect highlighting of the selected tab and the faulty display of content tiles has been fixed.
  • Under “Security Awareness Service” > “Configuration” > “Phishing Simulation”, an UI error that caused the incorrect display of excluded simulation scenarios has been fixed.

Changes to Security Awareness Service in Control Panel Version


  • A darker design for e-trainings of the Security Awareness Service with a bright background has been introduced.


  • An error allowing the editing of deactivated modules in the Security Settings has been fixed.
  • An error causing the Awareness Engine to irreversibly get switched off when toggling the switch “Activate e-trainings for users” has been fixed.
  • The accuracy of displayed data in the Security Awareness Service has been improved.
  • Permissions for some roles in the Security Awareness Service were adjusted.
  • In the “Security Awareness Service” module, under “Statistics” > “Phishing”, the link to suggest new simulated phishing scenarios has been fixed.
  • The error handling during the deactivation of the Security Awareness Service has been improved.
  • Under “Security Awareness Service“ > “Statistics“ > “E-Training” the colors of the categories in the e-training progress bar have been adapted the colors in the table view.
  • An error changing the language in the User Panel but not changing the language of e-training titles has been fixed.
  • An error in the User Panel under “Achievements”, that displayed the wrong default language in the language drop-down menu has been fixed.
  • An error that e-trainings that are not existing anymore were shown in the users table statistic under “Security Awareness Service“ > “Statistics“ > “E-Training” has been fixed.
  • Under “Security Awareness Service” > “Statistics” > “E-Trainings”, the bar charts in the table have been adapted for better visibility.
  • An error causing the manual rollout of e-trainings to fail has been fixed.
  • An error notifying users in the User Panel that the participation in the Security Awareness Service is anonymous when privacy mode is deactivated has been fixed.
  • Reminder emails for e-trainings of the Security Awareness Service have been revised. Reminder emails sent to users for whom login via magic links is deactivated in the User Panel no longer contain instructions for magic links.

Changes to Security Awareness Service Publication on January 18, 2024


  • Under “Security Awareness Service > Statistics > Phishing”, an error that resulted in the display of mismatched numbers has been fixed.
  • An error leading to empty strings instead of the sender’s name in simulated phishing emails has been fixed.
  • An error that resulted in simulated phishing emails being sent in the wrong language to several users has been fixed.

Release of New Phishing Scenarios

The following new phishing scenarios have been released:
  • Third-party OAuth application
    • Description: The user is notified that a third-party OAuth application has been granted access to their email account.
    • Email subject: Security Notification: A Third-party OAuth application has been connected to your account
    • Languages: DE, EN, ES, FR
  • Doudle account activation
    • Description: The user has been invited by a colleague to join a Doudle team.
    • Email subject: You have been invited to a Doudle team
    • Languages: DE, EN, ES, FR
  • Feedback request email
    • Decription: An email requesting urgent feedback on a project draft. Includes a link to the draft document.
    • Email subject: Request for Feedback
    • Languages: DE, EN, ES, FR
  • Happy greeting card
    • Description: A special greeting card to wish you a wonderful week filled with joy and success.
    • Email subject: Happy Greeting Card
    • Languages: DE, EN, ES, FR
  • Cybersecurity incident report
    • Description: The email is about a recent cybersecurity incident that has affected the company’s systems, and includes a link to preliminary findings and actions, as well as a reminder for the recipient to secure their own systems and report suspicious activities.
    • Email subject: Cybersecurity Incident Report
    • Languages: DE, EN, ES, FR
  • Weekly project report
    • Description: The user is asked to click on a link to view the weekly project report.
    • Email subject: Weekly Project Report
    • Languages: DE, EN, ES, FR
  • Security alert
    • Description: The user is informed about a security incident and asked to change their access credentials.
    • Email subject: Security Alert
    • Languages: DE, EN
  • Employee gym membership initiative
    • Description: The email is about a new initiative by the company to subsidize employee gym memberships in partnership with local gyms, encouraging employees to register soon as spots are limited.
    • Email subject: Employee Gym Membership Initiative
    • Languages: DE, EN, ES, FR
  • Project Tracker notification: mentioned in report
    • Description: The user is informed about being mentioned in a colleague’s report.
    • Email subject: Project Tracker: You’ve Been Mentioned in a Report
    • Languages: DE, EN, ES, FR
  • Company newsletter
    • Description: The email is a company newsletter informing about some updates HR policies and other news.
    • Email subject: Company Newsletter
    • Languages: DE, EN, ES, FR
  • Project Tracker account creation
    • Description: The user is informed about registration in Project Tracker.
    • Email subject: Project Tracker Account Creation
    • Languages: DE, EN, ES, FR
  • Incomplete cloud storage payment
    • Description: Warning from a cloud storage service regarding an incomplete payment.
    • Email subject: Action Required: Incomplete Payment
    • Languages: EN, DE, FR, ES