Control Panel Version


  • In the “Service Dashboard” module, the new role security_awareness has been implemented for customers with the Security Awareness Service.


  • In the onboarding form for 365 Total Protectiion, the phone number of the support team is no longer displayed. It is still possible to contact support using the live chat or via email.
  • For customers and partners with a customized Control, an error in the app switcher has been fixed.

Control Panel Version


  • The test email sending function in the Security Awareness Service has been extended with the option to display a log of deliveries. This makes error analysis easier.

  • The ESI® chart in the “Security Awareness Service” module has been updated and now displays the data after a slightly longer evaluation.

  • Now, Security Awareness Service automatically excludes users after several unsuccessful attempts to deliver simulated phishing emails to them. The “Monitoring” menu item has been added to the “Security Awareness Service” module. In this menu item, it is possible to manage automatically excluded users.

  • In the Security Awareness Service group settings, it is now possible to exclude all users at once or to remove all users from the list of excluded users at once.


  • The user exclusion function in the “Security Awareness Service” module has been improved.

  • An error when redirecting to the backup services from customized Control Panels has been fixed.

  • An error in the display of 365 Total Protection mailbox migration when changing clients in the scope selection has been fixed.

Control Panel Version


  • The Security Awareness Training has been renamed to Security Awarenss Service.
  • The basic data of users in the “Mailboxes” module has been extended by the fields “Language” and “Position”. These fields are important for the phishing simulation of the Security Awareness Service and are only visible when the Security Awareness Service is activated.
  • In the e-training configuration of the Security Awareness Service, it is now possible to exclude the magic link to the Security Hub from e-training invitation emails.
  • The app switcher, as well as the VM Backup and 365 Total Backup services, are now available for customers with a customized Control Panel.
  • Mailbox migration during the upgrade to 365 Total Protection can now be cancelled as long as no migration is in progress.
  • The Hornetsecurity Outlook Add-in can now be used to report simulated phishing emails from the Security Awareness Service. However, when reporting a phishing email, there is no visual feedback, unlike in the add-in Reporter Button.


  • In the Security Awareness Service, the switch to enable notifications has been removed.
  • The creation of mailboxes after mailbox migration for 365 Total Protection has been improved.
  • In the Security Awareness Service, improvements have been made to excluded users. Excluded users can now no longer see the “Security Hub” module in the Control Panel, are no longer displayed in the statistics on users, and are not counted in the member count in the table of evaluated groups.
  • In the “Auditing 2.0” module, entries related to the activation of e-trainings of the Security Awareness Service are now displayed correctly.
  • In the Security Awareness Service, zooming in on the statistics and displaying the legend when hovering over the statistics has been improved.
  • The display of the basic data in the user settings has been improved so that the “Fax” field is displayed correctly.
  • An error when inserting the Kununu link when configuring the phishing simulation in the Security Awareness Service has been fixed.
  • An error while displaying ignored migrations of the mailbox migration for 365 Total Protection has been fixed.

Control Panel Version


  • In the “Authentication policies and IPs” module, the minimum password requirements have been increased. New passwords must contain at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one digit and one special character. Futhermore, new passwords must consist of at least 8 characters.


  • An error while prompting users to set an emergency password for the webmail system of the Continuity Service has been fixed.

Control Panel Version


  • Administrators can now exclude individual users and entire groups from Security Awareness Training.
  • For 365 Total Protection customers and customers whose users log in to Control Panel with credentials from a directory service, emergency passwords have been added to Continuity Service. Users now have the option to define an emergency password for Continuity Service. With this emergency password, in the event of a server failure, they will be able to access the Continuity Service webmail system and continue to receive and send emails. Users of other customers do not need emergency passwords, as they can already log in to the webmail system with their Control Panel password.
  • From now on, users who have been inactive in Control Panel for 24 hours will be automatically logged out.
  • To delete a domain in the “Domains” module, administrators must now enter the domain name to confirm the operation.
  • In the “Email Live Tracking” module, a new table column that indicates if an email has been marked as private can be displayed. Furthermore, a filter to filter by private emails has been implemented.


  • In the “Dashboard” module, a bug while loading the list of services has been fixed.
  • In the “Dashboard” module, the order of quick links at user and customer level has been unified.
  • A bug when entering an incorrect one-time password when accessing Control Panel with multifactor authentication has been fixed.
  • It is now possible to import language and position attributes via bulk import from the API for the Security Awareness Training service.

Publication on February 1, 2023


  • The new features Secure Links and QR Code Analyzer are available for Advanced Threat Protection. Secure Links replaces URL Rewriting. If a user opens a link in an email, Secure Links analyzes the link and either redirects the user to the web page or blocks it. The QR Code Analyzer scans the target link of QR codes that are included in images attached to an email. If the link leads to a malicious web page, the email is blocked and not delivered to the recipient.