Control Panel Version


  • In the “Email Live Tracking” module, the new “Rescanned” email category has been introduced at client and partner level. This category is assigned to emails that we have scanned a second time.
  • In the “Email Authentication” module, a confirmation window is now displayed when an administrator tries to disable the SPF check.
  • In the “Email Authentication” module, the default behavior after a failed DMARC validation has been modified. The sender domain policy is now applied by default.
  • In the “Deny & Allow Lists” module, it is now possible to filter records by the filters they bypass.


  • The Control Panel icons have been updated.
  • The layout of the S/MIME user table in the “Email Authentication” module has been revised.
  • The layout of the tables in the “Administration” tab of the “Service Dashboard” module has been revised.
  • The layout of the tables in the “Deny & Allow Lists” module has been revised.
  • A bug when adding entries in the “Deny & Allow Lists” module has been fixed.
  • The layout of the table in the “Audit Access Management” tab of the “Archiving” module has been updated.
  • An error when creating mailboxes in the “Customer Settings > Mailboxes” module has been fixed.
  • A display error when checking a web page in the browser with Secure Links has been fixed.
  • A display error when downloading a file via Secure Links has been fixed. As soon as the download is finished, the scan is reported as completed.
  • The email notification about changing an emergency password for the Continuity Service has been revised.
  • A new event for changing emergency passwords for the Continuity Service has been introduced in the “Reporting and Compliance > Auditing 2.0” module.
  • Recipients whose mailbox is listed as a forwarding mailbox in the “Customer Settings > Mailboxes” module can now request the delivery of emails from forwarded quarantine reports and preview the emails. However, recipients are not allowed to deliver emails from the email preview or to add recipients to deny lists and allow lists.
  • A bug when logging in to the audit access has been fixed.
  • The background color of the multiple selection view in the “Security Awareness Service > Configuration” module has been modified.
  • A textual error has been fixed in the test email table in the German version of the “Security Awareness Service” module.
  • An error during the delivery of emails that were first quarantined via Content Control and then released by the customer has been fixed.
  • A problem during the search in the “Email Live Tracking” module has been fixed.
  • An error during synchronization of Microsoft 365 mailbox types has been fixed.
  • Mailboxes for which a user is registered as a delegate are no longer added to their email statistics in the ” Reporting & Compliance > Email Statistics” module.

Control Panel Version


  • Customers with the Security Awareness Service who cannot allow phishing simulation emails in their email systems via IP addresses or DKIM signatures can use domains as a fallback solution instead. For this purpose, personalized lists of domains can be downloaded from the “Security Awareness Service” module. Various wildcard options provide versatility. For each customer, the sender addresses of the emails from the phishing simulation and the URLs of the links contained in these emails belong exclusively to these domains. Thus, the emails from the phishing simulation can be identified as part of the phishing simulation by the security mechanisms of the customer’s email systems.
  • For better user privacy, the “Security Awareness Service” module does not display statistics for groups with fewer than ten members.


  • Under “Security Awareness Service > Configuration > Phishing Simulation”, a display error in the table for test emails has been corrected.

Control Panel Version


  • Our email service now includes the “Compromised Account Detection” feature. It notifies users with weak passwords or passwords that have been exposed in data leaks, and prompts the users to change their password. Furthermore, it stops users from sending emails if they have sent many emails to different recipients in a short time. These measures protect accounts from being compromised and stop compromised accounts from unintentionally sending spam.
  • A new version of the Outlook add-in for 365 Total Protection customers is available. The new version includes an archive search and user interface imrpovements. To update to the new version, customers must first uninstall the current add-in in the “365 Total Protection” module and then reinstall the add-in. It may take up to 12 hours until the uninstallation completes and a reinstallation is possible.


  • An error while configuring the delivery times of quarantine reports has been fixed.

Control Panel Version


  • The .csv file import function in the “Mailboxes” module has been improved. In addition to email addresses and environments, it is now possible to import basic mailbox data. Furthermore, the import is no longer limited to 200 mailboxes. Instead, it is possible to import .csv files with a maximum size of 100 MB.


  • In the “Security Awareness Service” module, it is no longer possible to exclude forward mailboxes. The Security Awareness Service is not applied to forward mailboxes anyway.
  • An error during the synchronization of the position and language attribute for the Security Awareness Service for users for whom no information was previously available has been fixed.
  • In the “Security Awareness Service” module, confirmation windows are now displayed when the administrator is about to exclude automatically excluded users from or re-include them in the service.
  • The background color of the search bars in the “Statistics” section of the “Security Awareness Service” module has been changed so that the search bars stand out better against the background.
  • A link to the manual in the “365 Permission Manager” module has been changed.
  • It is no longer possible to request a password reset for forward mailboxes.
  • The layout of tables in the “Auditing 2.0” module has been redesigned.
  • The layout of API token tables in the user settings has been redesigned.
  • Now, the placeholder texts and buttons in the email preview are displayed in the language set by the user in Control Panel.