Control Panel Version


  • Under “Security Awareness Service” > “Configuration” > “Phishing Simulation”, a minor error leading to the incorrect display of some translations has been fixed.
  • An error related to the synchronization of users with Microsoft 365 that only affected a few customers has been fixed.
  • An error impeding customers from renewing their S/MIME certificates has been fixed.
  • Under “Security Awareness Service” > “Statistics”, an error that caused the incorrect highlighting of the selected tab and the faulty display of content tiles has been fixed.
  • Under “Security Awareness Service” > “Configuration” > “Phishing Simulation”, an UI error that caused the incorrect display of excluded simulation scenarios has been fixed.

Control Panel Version


  • The order of filters in Email Live Tracking has been adjusted to match the order of columns that are shown by default.
  • Under “Service Dashboard” > “LDAP Connection” and “Security Settings” > “Archiving” > “Archiving Settings” a new table design has been implemented.
  • New entries for the Event type filter have been added under “Reporting & Compliance” > “Auditing 2.0”.
  • A new error message has been introduced in the “Email Live Tracking” module in the event that an email cannot be delivered because it has not been archived.
  • The link for the external onboarding of customers to 365 Total Protection can now be manually adjusted to restrict the access for some configuration options.
  • The section to exclude users from AI Recipient Validation under “AI Recipient Validation” > “Configuration” > “General” has been redesigned to match the look and feel.
  • A darker design for e-trainings of the Security Awareness Service with a bright background has been introduced.
  • The selected scope in the scope selection is now kept when switching between Control Panel and User Panel.
  • The license count is now displayed on the overview page of 365 Total Protection for customers with a generic onboarding.


  • An error causing search functions not to search for the same search term after resetting has been fixed.
  • An error causing the status of deferred emails not to be shown in the Email Live Tracking has been fixed.
  • An error in the visibility of email addresses when adding forward mailboxes under “Customer Settings” > “Mailboxes” has been fixed.
  • An error causing problems with the synchronization of time zones and languages has been fixed.
  • Minor interface errors have been fixed in the tables of the “Deny & Allow Lists” module.
  • Missing tooltips have been added to the table in the Email Live Tracking.
  • Animations have been fixed and their performance has been improved.
  • An error displaying a wrong error message in the Service Dashboard when trying to delete a user’s role has been fixed.
  • An error allowing the editing of deactivated modules in the Security Settings has been fixed.
  • An error causing the Awareness Engine to irreversibly get switched off when toggling the switch “Activate e-trainings for users” has been fixed.
  • An error that appeared when opening “Security Settings” > “Email Authentication” has been fixed.
  • The accuracy of displayed data in the Security Awareness Service has been improved.
  • An error that caused surnames of administrators not to be displayed in the Service Dashboard has been fixed.
  • Permissions for some roles in the Security Awareness Service were adjusted.
  • An error related to the login to the Control Panel via LDAP has been fixed.
  • In the “Security Awareness Service” module, under “Statistics” > “Phishing”, the link to suggest new simulated phishing scenarios has been fixed.
  • The error handling during the deactivation of the Security Awareness Service has been improved.
  • When using the date format YYYY-MM-DD the Email Live Tracking was showing a wrong date format that error has been fixed.
  • Under “Security Awareness Service“ > “Statistics“ > “E-Training” the colors of the categories in the e-training progress bar have been adapted the colors in the table view.
  • An error changing the language in the User Panel but not changing the language of e-training titles has been fixed.
  • An error in the User Panel under “Achievements”, that displayed the wrong default language in the language drop-down menu has been fixed.
  • Additional spaces, tabs and Returns in the header preview in the Email Live Tracking of the Control Panel have been removed.
  • An error that e-trainings that are not existing anymore were shown in the users table statistic under “Security Awareness Service“ > “Statistics“ > “E-Training” has been fixed.
  • An error impeding administrators to switch back to the Control Panel from their User Panel has been fixed.
  • Under “Security Awareness Service” > “Statistics” > “E-Trainings”, the bar charts in the table have been adapted for better visibility.
  • An error causing the manual rollout of e-trainings to fail has been fixed.
  • Under “Security Settings” > “Signature and Disclamer”, an error that showed the legend in the background and in the preview has been fixed.
  • An error notifying users in the User Panel that the participation in the Security Awareness Service is anonymous when privacy mode is deactivated has been fixed.
  • Reminder emails for e-trainings of the Security Awareness Service have been revised. Reminder emails sent to users for whom login via magic links is deactivated in the User Panel no longer contain instructions for magic links.

Control Panel Version


  • An error loading the Hornetsecurity Outlook Add-in has been fixed, which was introduced with version
  • An error related to the deployment of e-trainings of the Security Awarenes Service has been fixed.
  • The chat function was not displayed in version, this problem has been fixed.
  • In the Email Live Tracking of the User Panel, emails of the domain selected in the Control Panel were displayed for administrators. Now only the emails of the logged in user are displayed.
  • After changing the language, the titles of e-trainings are displayed in the correct language.
  • The colors of the categories in the Security Awareness Service → Statistics module in the training progress statistics in the tooltip now match the table view.
  • Users with the “security_awareness” role can now access the Security Awareness Service → Statistics → E-Training and Security Awareness Service → Configuration → E-Training modules again.
  • Excluded users are no longer displayed in the statistics under Security Awareness Service → Statistics → Training status → Users. The user’s assigned group is also displayed again.
  • The correct number of users is now displayed under Users in training in the Security Awareness Service → Statistics → E-Training → Users in booster training statistics.
  • The language selection in the detail view of e-trainings has been removed.
  • An error in the Customer Settings module that impeded the deactivation of identity spoofing for users synchronized with Microsoft 365 has been corrected.
  • An error in the User Panel displaying the progress of certain e-trainings has been corrected.
  • An error that caused unpublished e-trainings of the Security Awareness Service to appear in reminder emails has been fixed.
  • An error that listed excluded users and prevented groups from being displayed in the Users table under Trainings status in the Statistics → E-Training module of the Security Awareness Service has been fixed.
  • The performance of the e-training statistics of the Security Awareness Service has been improved.
  • E-training reminders of the Security Awareness Service will no longer be sent once they are disabled.
  • In Email Live Tracking, the Detected Threats tab is now available again for all 365 Extended Email Protection customers.
  • The Dashboard has been removed from the menu on user level in the Control Panel.
  • E-trainings are now assigned according to their priority.
  • An error that caused the E-Training tile to not be shown in the User Panel has been fixed.

Control Panel Version


  • This release introduces the User Panel: a dedicated space for users that covers modules such as their Email Live Tracking, email statistics, e-trainings, phishing simulation statistics, achievements and general settings. Administrators can configure the modules for their users in the Customization module. All functionalities of the Security Hub have been enhanced and are now part of the User Panel.
  • Users can now give feedback in the User Panel.
  • The deployment of the AI Recipient Validation Add-in can now be done automatically or manually, to test it for a selected range of users.
  • In the AI Recipient Validation module, administrators can now exclude warning scenarios, exclude users from specific scenarios and add trusted domains that will be considered as part of the organization.
  • In the user settings, it is now possible to disable or enable the sending of simulated phishing emails in the name of the user (identity spoofing).
  • Administrators can now disable the identity spoofing for specific users in the Customer Settings module under Mailboxes.
  • The training schedule for planning e-trainings manually in the Security Awareness Service Module under Configuration → E-Training has been reworked.
  • The groups and user tables in the statistics under E-Trainings in the Security Awareness Service module have been redesigned.
  • In the configuration of e-trainings in the Security Awareness Service module, it is now possible to make all e-trainings available for users in the User Panel.
  • In the configuration of e-trainings in the Security Awareness Service module, it is now possible to deactivate e-training reminders via email for the whole organization.
  • The email history is now hidden from auditors in an archive audit by default. To show the email history, the configuration can be changed under Security Settings → Archiving → Audit Access Management.


  • The redirect mechanism in the Control Panel has been improved for users who are not logged in. If a user is redirected to the login page, after logging in, they are redirected to the page they wanted to visit.

Control Panel Version


  • The Control Panel now displays a banner for all customers with a customized Security Hub, to set up the customization in the Control Panel by December 14.


  • Customers of the Security Awareness Service who have deactivated the privacy mode can now see the results of individual users again in the “Groups” tab of the “Security Awareness Service > Statistics” module.
  • An error during the creation of an allowed domain list for the phishing simulation in the Security Awareness Service has been fixed.

Control Panel Version


  • The “Dashboard” submodule of the Security Awareness Service has been removed. All relevant information has been included in the “Statistics” submodule, which has also been redesigned.


  • The following improvements have been made to the Security Awareness Service.
    • Users who existed in the Control Panel before version and who are added later to a group to which e-trainings had been assigned manually will now also receive these e-trainings.
    • When a user who had been removed from a group is successfully added again to that same group under “Customer Settings > Groups”, no error message will be shown anymore.
    • The API for the Security Awareness Service has been improved.
  • An error that prevented inactive users from being automatically logged out has been fixed. This error affected customers with unverified domains under “Customer Settings > Domains”.
  • An error while changing the partner name in the “Customization” module has been fixed.
  • An error while deleting Microsoft 365 tenants from AI Recipient Validation has been fixed.