Control Panel Version


  • From now on, users can edit the basic data for their own mailboxes under User Settings. This does not apply to users with Microsoft 365 mailboxes or mailboxes that are synchronized from LDAP.
  • The user interface has been improved.
  • From now on, 365 Total Protection customers can also create mailboxes directly in the Control Panel.
  • CSV files can now be imported in the Deny & Allow Lists module.
  • In the Email Encryption module, administrators can now deactivate Websafe.
  • In the Password Policy & IPs module, @ has been added as a special character.
  • In the Service Dashboard module, an administrator can now delete his own admin role, as long as another admin user is still assigned.


  • Logic for detecting mailbox types has been improved.
  • Errors in the Email Live Tracking module have been fixed.
  • Errors affecting the delivery of emails from the Email Live Tracking module and from quarantine reports have been fixed.
  • In the Email Encryption module, an error affecting the creation of rules has been fixed.
  • In the Mailboxes module, the CSV import of mailboxes has been revised.
  • In the modules Compliance Filter and Email Encryption, a character limit has been implemented.
  • In the modules Compliance Filter, Email Encryption and Deny & Allow Lists, an input validation has been implemented.
  • An error in the Advanced Threat Protection module has been fixed.
  • An error in the Spam and Malware Protection module has been fixed.
  • The quarantine reports have been revised and are now automatically updated whenever any changes are made in the Whitelabeling module.

Control Panel Version


  • The Compliance Filter has been implemented as an HTML module. Individual rules for incoming and outgoing emails can now be created on a simplified user interface.
  • In the Quarantine Report module, you can now create individual texts for quarantine reports.
  • The time and date format in the quarantine reports has been modified: The format now depends on the region selected in the settings.


  • The user interface of the Control Panel has been improved in several places.
  • In the Email Encryption module, the Websafe can now be activated again.
  • Errors in the display of deny and allow lists have been corrected.
  • In the Signature and Disclaimer module, errors in the display of the preview have been fixed.
  • An error in Spam and Malware Protection has been fixed that caused some emails to be delivered without body.
  • In Advanced Threat Protection, the detection of potentially dangerous documents by URL Scanning has been improved.

Control Panel Version


  • In the Quarantine Report module, administrators can now select a layout for the quarantine reports. They can choose between the current default layout, which is selected as the default option, and an enhanced layout. The enhanced layout contains buttons for the delivery and preview of emails from quarantine reports.
  • The email preview function redirects the user via an encrypted link to a Web service where the content of the email is displayed in a secure fashion. Images, links and other active content are disabled or replaced with secure placeholders. If necessary and possible, the layout and encoding of the email are slightly modified in order to display the content of the email.
  • The feature Malicious Document Decryption of Advanced Threat Protection has been extended. Malicious Document Decryption is now also used in URL Scanning and decrypts and checks encrypted files and archives that are linked in emails for malware.