Control Panel Version


  • The Control Panel now automatically redirects users to the correct page when they receive a 365 Permission Manager link via email.


  • Under Security Awareness Service > Statistics > E-Training, an error has been fixed that caused users who already completed the e-trainings to be incorrectly shown in the section for users with unfinished modules.
  • An error has been fixed that caused the Awareness Engine to incorrectly exclude users who were involved in e-training testing phases.

Control Panel Version


  • Under Customer Settings > Mailboxes, it is now possible to rename existing mailboxes.
  • Under Reporting & Compliance > Auditing 2.0, an auditing entry for magic links has been added.
  • An error message is now shown in the Email Live Tracking when a customer intents to delete an email from a non-existing mailbox in Microsoft 365.


  • Under Security Awareness Service > Configuration, the bin icon has been exchanged for a cross icon when removing a user from the excluded users table.
  • In the Email Live Tracking module, an error has been fixed that prevented administrators and users with the “service_desk” role to deliver emails of the type “AdvThreat”.
  • The 404 error message for unavailable e-trainings in the User Panel has been improved.
  • Under Security Awareness Service > Statistics, the tables under the “Groups” tab have been renewed.
  • In the Phishing Simulation module of the User Panel, an error that caused some simulated phishing emails to not be shown has been fixed.
  • Under Security Awareness Service > Configuration, an error causing incorrect timestamps to be shown in the table has been fixed.
  • An error that impeded administrators to switch environments for LDAP mailboxes under Customer Settings > Mailboxes has been fixed.
  • Under Security Settings > Compliance Filter, an error message is shown when an incorrect IP address is entered.
  • Under Customer Settings > Mailboxes, the styling of the “Timezone & Language” fields has been improved.
  • Under Customer Settings > Mailboxes, forwarding mailboxes are now restricted to 100 recipients. An error message will be shown, if more than 100 mailboxes are entered as recipients.
  • Some minor orthography mistakes were fixed.
  • An error has been resolved where the language failed to automatically change when a user set the Security Awareness Service to the company’s default.
  • An error that caused manually scheduled e-trainings of the Security Awareness Service to be assigned earlier than configured has been fixed.
  • An error that inhibited the VM Backup module to be shown for some users has been fixed.

Control Panel Version


  • An error causing incorrect CSV file names upon exporting mailboxes has been fixed.
  • An error that caused Single Sign-On processes using email addresses containing upper and lower case letters to fail has been fixed.
  • An error that prevented exported CSV mailboxes to be imported into the Control Panel has been fixed.
  • In the User Panel, an error that ocurred when attempting to mark emails as private has been fixed.
  • E-training reminders will no longer include magic links for users who lack authorization.
  • Minor errors in the French user interface and translations have been fixed.
  • An error related to the assignment of e-trainings for some customers has been fixed.
  • An error has been fixed that inhibited some users from activating SPF checks under Security Settings > Email Authentication.
  • General security improvements have been made.

Control Panel Version


  • For customers with the Security Awareness Service, a banner is now displayed if the “Department” field is filled for less than 30 percent of the users.
  • The CSV export of mailboxes has been reworked. Now all information under the basic data of a mailbox can be exported. Furthermore, the header line includes all selected columns. It is now possible to import the exported CSV file.
  • The CSV import of mailboxes has been reworked. Now it is possible to leave out certain fields completely. Only the fields “Name”, “Aliases” and “Environment” are mandatory.


  • The synchronization with Microsoft 365 has been improved.

Control Panel Version


  • Under Security Settings > Content Control, information about the maximal allowed email size has been added.
  • Under Customer Settings > Mailboxes, customers can now filter for deactivated mailboxes.
  • When importing mailboxes from a CSV file in the Customer Settings > Mailboxes module, a confirmation window is now displayed if all existing mailboxes would be overwritten with those from the CSV file.
  • Under Security Settings > Email Authentication, an alias domain can now be excluded from the DMARC check when it does not have a DMARC record.
  • Users now can now authenticate their login to the User Panel/Control Panel via single sign-on using their registered alias.
  • In the Email Live Tracking module, the search has been enhanced and now highlights terms that are ignored. When hovering over the highlighted term, additional information is shown.


  • Under Reporting & Compliance > Email Statistics and under Security Awareness Service > Statistics > Phishing, the table has been reworked.
  • An error that impeded the Security Settings > Microsoft 365 Settings module to be shown in the Control Panel after a customer has migrated to 365 Total Protection has been fixed.
  • Under Customer Settings, a minor translation error has been fixed.
  • An error that prevented individual reports and the statistics of successful phishing scenarios of the Security Awareness Service to be created in the customer’s and user’s selected language has been fixed.
  • In the E-Training module of the User Panel, an error that caused overlapping of progress information and the language selection has been fixed.
  • Under Security Awareness Service > Statistics > E-Training > Training status, an error that lead to the “Last assigned on” field to be shown as empty has been fixed.
  • An error that caused the teachable moment of the Security Awareness Service to only be displayed in English has been fixed. Now the teachable moment gets displayed in the user’s configured language.
  • Under Customer Settings > Authentication, for customers who use LDAP or Microsoft 365 for authentication, the option to activate the magic link for the authentication of users is now greyed out instead of hidden.
  • Emails that are reported using the “Send email to admin” functionality in the Email Live Tracking now are prefixed with “[REPORTED MAIL]”.
  • In the Security Awareness Service module, an error that prevented users with the security_awareness role to access the e-training statistics and configuration has been solved.
  • Under Service Dashboard > LDAP Connection, an error that disabled some settings has been fixed.
  • A minor error causing some tables not to show the value 0 has been fixed.
  • An error that sometimes caused e-trainings to be shown twice has been fixed.
  • Users are now able to see unassigned e-trainings, if they are made available for them.
  • The French translations for several services have been improved.
  • Under Security Awareness Service > Statistics, the display of French titles in the table about successful phishing emails has been improved.