Control Panel Version


  • An app switcher has been implemented in the Control Panel and the Cloud Management Console. The app switcher allows administrators to switch easily between different applications. This function is currently only available for customers without a customized Control Panel.


  • Synchronization of the Control Panel with Microsoft 365 has been improved.

Control Panel Version


  • A new version of 365 Total Protection has been introduced, including 365 Total Backup. Thus, the initial setup has been simplified.
  • In the log entries in the “Auditing 2.0” module, the values that have been changed by an event are now highlighted by shading.
  • In the “Email Live Tracking” module, new icons for the direction of emails have been introduced.
  • In the scope selection, a new icon for partners has been introduced.


  • Several improvements have been made to Webmail, the web client of our service.
  • In the “Email Live Tracking” module, an error in displaying archived emails has been fixed.
  • In the “Mailbox Reassignment” tab of the “Mailboxes” module, a warning message has been improved.
  • When uploading a logo in the “Email template” tab of the “Customization” module, the MIME type of the file is now also checked. Only .png logos are accepted.
  • In the “Email Authentication” module, an error while clicking on the advanced options has been fixed.
  • In the “Email Authentication” module, the display of advanced options has been modified.
  • In the “Email Authentication” module a warning message has been changed.
  • In the “Email Authentication” module a display error has been fixed.

Control Panel Version


  • Bulleted lists are now supported in individual texts in the “Quarantine Report” module.
  • Advanced Threat Protection’s URL Rewriting mechanism has been enhanced to protect even better.


  • An error while logging in to the Control Panel with credentials from Microsoft 365 has been fixed.
  • An error while onboarding 365 Total Protection customers has been fixed.
  • The synchronization page for the migration to 365 Total Protection has been extended.
  • An error while loading the “Deny & Allow Lists” module on mobile devices has been fixed.
  • In the “Customization” module, an alignment error has been fixed.
  • In the “Service Dashboard” module, an error while deleting administrators has been fixed.
  • An error while saving the form in the “Service Dashboard” module has been fixed.

Control Panel Version


  • In the “Spam and Malware Protection” module, an error while validating the SMTP user check has been fixed.
  • While activating the SMTP user check in the “Spam and Malware Protection” module, an error occurred during the automatic check of the configuration on the customer’s server. To resolve this error, the automatic check is no longer performed. Instead, customers will be informed about the correct configuration before the activation so they can check the configuration on their server themselves.
  • For LDAP customers, an error while creating entries in the “Auditing 2.0” module has been fixed.