Control Panel Version


  • The design of the tables in the “Email Live Tracking” and “Customer Settings” modules has been updated. In these modules, it is now possile to select the number of items displayed per page and to directly access a specific page.
  • In the “Mailboxes”, “Groups” and “Domains” submodules of the “Customer Settings” module there is now a button for updating the table data.


  • In the “Dashboard” module, the 365 Total Backup service is only displayed in green for a customer if the customer can configure the service themselves.
  • In the “Email Live Tracking” module, all authorized users can mark emails as private again.
  • In the “Email Live Tracking” module, the ATP report is again visible for emails for which an ATP scan has been performed.
  • The permissions of the service_desk role have been modified: this role no longer has access to the “Security Settings” module. The service_desk role can perform ATP scans in the “Email Live Tracking” module.
  • In the “365 Total Protection” module, it is no longer possible to select the 365 Total Protection Enterprise Backup version if 365 Total Backup is disabled.
  • In the “Dashboard” submodule of the “Security Awarenss Training” module, the font size of the caption about employees in booster training has been changed.
  • In the “Configuration” submodule of the “Security Awareness Training” module, an error while saving information about the organization has been fixed.
  • Ex Post Alert notifications are now sent again in the language that is set for the recipient in the Control Panel.

Control Panel Version


  • An error when logging in new users in has been fixed.
  • A bug with related to the onboarding in 365 Total Protection has been fixed.
  • Now email notifications about the availability of new Security Awareness Training learning materials are displayed in the correct language.
  • In the “Email Live Tracking” module, an error while loading the ATP report has been fixed.

Control Panel Version


  • In the “Security Awareness Training” module, administrators can now send test emails in the “Phishing Simulation” tab of the “Configuration” submodule to users of the customer in order to check whether simulated phishing emails are delivered to the recipients without being changed.
  • In the “Security Awareness Training” module, administrators can now exclude individual users of a customer from the service in the “Users and Groups” tab of the “Configuration” submodule.
  • In the “Security Awareness Training” module, administrators can now download the individual results of all users from the “Phishing Simulation” tab of the “Statistics” submodule if the data privacy mode is deactivated.
  • The phishing simulation of the Security Awareness Training now also supports the Dutch language.
  • In the “Email Encryption” module, it is now possible to export encryption rules for outgoing or incoming emails as a CSV file.


  • In the “Security Awareness Training” module, the confirmation window that is displayed after the activation of the service has been revised.
  • The colors and the display of favicons in the Security Hub of the Security Awareness Training have been revised.
  • In the Security Hub, an error in the display of large customer logos, which blocked the access to e-trainings, has been fixed.
  • E-trainings of the Security Awareness Training can from now on only be assigned to users on week days.
  • In the “Security Awareness Training” module, an error while selecting dates has been fixed.
  • In the “Security Awareness Training” module, an error in the display of graphs while the live chat is available has been fixed.
  • In the “Security Awareness Training” module, a misplaced title has been removed from the “Phishing Simulation” tab of the “Configuration” submodule.
  • In the “Security Awareness Training” module, the number of reported emails is from now on only displayed in the “Dashboard” submodule if the Outlook add-in Reporter Button is activated for the phishing simulation.
  • In the “Security Awareness Training” module, an error while loading the training schedule in the “E-Training” tab of the “Configuration” submodule has been fixed.
  • In the “Security Awareness Training” module, a message is now displayed if the organization name is missing from the organization information in the “Phishing Simulation” tab of the “Configuration” submodule.
  • In the “Security Awareness Training” module, an error in the display of the actions of the training schedule has been fixed in the German version of the “E-Training” tab of the “Configuration” submodule.
  • In the “Security Awareness Training” module, it is no longer possible in the “Users and Groups” tab of the “Configuration” submodule to enter invalid priorities.
  • In the “Security Awareness Training” module, the names of groups in the “Users and Groups” tab of the “Configuration” submodule are no longer interpreted as HTML.
  • In the “Security Awareness Training” module, a display error has been fixed in the table of positions in the “Users and Groups” tab of the “Configuration” submodule.
  • In the “Security Awareness Training” module, an error in the display of groups in portrait mode has been fixed in the “Phishing Simulation” tab of the “Statistics” submodule.
  • In the “Security Awareness Training” module, a display error in the graph on booster training has been fixed in the “E-Training” tab of the “Statistics” submodule.
  • In the “Security Awareness Training” module, already assigned e-trainings in the training schedule in the “E-Training” tab of the “Configuration” submodule can no longer be selected in multi-selection.
  • In the “Security Awareness Training” module, an error while loading the switch for advanced delivery in Microsoft 365 Defender in the “Phishing Simulation” tab of the “Configuration” submodule has been fixed.
  • In the “Security Awareness Training” module, the titles of e-trainings in the “E-Training” tab of the “Configuration” submodule are now displayed in the language of the logged-in administrator.
  • The services “Signature and Disclaimer” and “Continuity Service” have been removed from the “Dashboard” module.
  • In the “Signature and Disclaimer” module, the group names now also support umlauts.
  • For 365 Total Protection, a synchronization error has been fixed.
  • In the API, an error regarding the number of entries returned for the search of Auditing entries has been fixed.