Is Ransomware Data Recovery Impossible?

Is Ransomware Data Recovery Impossible?

“I will find you and I will decrypt you”

Unfortunately, we can’t call up Liam Neeson if our data is encrypted via ransomware. Although he is a man with a particular set of skills, we do have to take proactive steps to ensure we can recover from ransomware.

What if you don’t have backups, is all hope lost?

How can we recover files from ransomware and what steps can we put in place to improve ransomware data recovery?

How Does a Ransomware Attack Typically Work?

There are several different entry methods for a ransomware attack, most of which involve malicious software. Ransomware encryption typically works by using a combination of symmetric and asymmetric encryption methods to lock and encrypt files.

Infection: The ransomware infects the victim’s system, often through phishing emails, malicious downloads, or exploiting vulnerabilities.

Key Generation: Once on the system, the ransomware generates a unique pair of keys for encryption: a public key and a private key. The public key is used to encrypt the files on the victim’s computer, while the private key is saved by the attacker.

File Encryption: The ransomware scans the system and network shares for files and encrypts them using the public key. This encryption is often strong and cannot be broken without the corresponding private key. The private key, which is needed to decrypt the files, is transferred and stored by the attacker.

Ransom Demand: The victim is presented with a ransom note via malicious software or through email demanding payment, usually in cryptocurrency, in exchange for the private key. If the victim pays the ransom, the attacker may provide the private key to decrypt the files.

It’s important to note that paying the ransom does not guarantee that the files will be decrypted or that the attacker will not demand more money. Additionally, ransomware can also include tactics to increase pressure on victims, such as threatening to publish the encrypted data or incrementally deleting files until the ransom is paid.

In most cases, it is best to contact your country’s federal cybercrime division or police department to assist with any ongoing investigations. In some cases, they have dedicated teams to help with ransomware data recovery and available ransomware recovery processes.

The Evolution of Ransomware

Response Strategies for a Ransomware Attack

When it comes to ransomware attacks, as with so many other business risks, planning ahead is vital. If you have a well thought out and practised Incident Response Plan, you’ll be more prepared and will respond to the attack in a more effective way if you implement the proper email security technology approach.

This can drastically improve ransomware data recovery time and reduce the risk of the ransomware spreading.

Record Important Details: Note down all known locations that have been encrypted along with the encryption extension. The ransom note or software can help identify the type of ransomware and in some cases, certain ransom keys have been broken or otherwise leaked online. This can greatly assist with ransomware data recovery.

Turn off the Infected Device: Ensure that the infected machine is disconnected from the network and shut down after you have recorded details. Removing the machine from the network is crucial to prevent the spread of infection or encryption.

Disconnect your Other Devices: Check your network to ensure that no other devices have been encrypted or infected. If any are identified, immediately disconnect them from the network.

Change Important Passwords: Ransomware can be known to locate and extract passwords stored on devices or in files. It’s very difficult to determine the scope of the attack so as a general recommendation all important passwords should be changed from a clean machine.

How Do You Report a Ransomware Attack?

It’s crucial to record all details about the attack, as they can be helpful for any professional assistance, insurance claims, legal claims, ransomware data recovery or informing authorities. Remember, paying the ransom does not guarantee the return of your data and may encourage further criminal activity. It’s best to consult with professionals and follow the reporting procedures outlined by your company and law enforcement agencies. This is because, in our ransomware surveys, we found that more than half of the business owners are concerned about the security of their critical data.

Ransomware Attack Survey 2023

Techniques for Restoring Files After a Ransomware Attack

Several techniques can be leveraged for ransomware data recovery. Although we want to focus on proactive preventative measures, the steps below should be considered when looking to recover from an attack.

Implement an Incident Response Plan: As already mentioned, an effective response plan can be critical to ensuring that the blast radius of a ransomware attack is reduced, and the correct steps are followed to improve your chance of ransomware data recovery. The plan should include items such as: information collection, logging, communication internally/externally, legal requirements, investigation procedures, remediation steps and post-attack review.

Decryption Tools: Some ransomware encryption can be decrypted. This is why recording the ransomware information can be crucial. It’s best to reach out to a professional recovery team to help identify if your data can be decrypted without restoring from backup.

Restore from Backup: This can generally be the primary method of recovering files from ransomware. However, you must have good backup procedures in place before you need them. It is common for backups to become encrypted during a ransomware attack, therefore you need to ensure that your backup systems are isolated from production systems. If your backup storage is in the cloud, consider implementing immutable storage, which can’t be altered or deleted by anyone, including your own administrators. Regularly testing individual file, folder, Virtual Machine and system recovery is also important, as this will greatly assist in a crisis when the pressure is on to bring the business back to a working state quickly.

To properly protect your email technology environment from a potential ransomware attack, use Hornetsecurity’s hybrid approach email services such as:

To keep up with the latest articles and practices, visit our Hornetsecurity blog now.


The short answer to our question of “if ransomware data recovery is impossible” is no. There are a growing number of variants that can have their decryption keys applied but also good backup practices are the key to ensuring your data and business are protected.


Is it possible to recover files from ransomware?

Yes, in most cases ransomware data recovery can be achieved if you have adequate backup systems in place, this isn’t usually a difficult task. If you do not have backups, then in some cases you can decrypt the data if the ransomware has been cracked by online communities.

What percentage of ransomware victims get their data back?

Excluding the victims who were able to restore their data from backup, according to a 2024 report from Sophos, approximately only 8% of victims who paid the ransom regained access to their data. This reinforces that paying for ransomware is usually not a good solution.

Is ransomware difficult to remove?

Typically, removing the ransomware software itself can be achieved by most Antivirus software but the decryption of data is where it becomes more difficult.

How long does it take to recover from ransomware?

This depends on a few factors. Do you have backups in place? Are they relevant and not encrypted? If you don’t have backups, are there decryption keys available for the variant?

In most cases, decryption takes as long as encrypting. Backup systems can take some time to restore depending on the amount of data encrypted but as a safe estimate allow at least 2-3 days of business downtime to recover. To sufficiently recover from ransomware proactive measures need to be in place.

What is Data Backup and Recovery? Understanding the Fundamentals

What is Data Backup and Recovery? Understanding the Fundamentals

What is Backup?

These days, every business that cares for its data and information must have a backup. A copy of a file kept somewhere other than its original place is called a backup file.

Making copies of data so that the original can be restored in the event of a data loss incident is known as backing up. The Backup is this fresh copy of the data. If you wish to keep track of changes made to a file, you can keep numerous backups of the file.

Rethinking backup and recovery is crucial. IT settings were different more than ten years ago when the current solutions were designed.

Growing, heterogeneity was becoming more prevalent, and backup and recovery systems were thought of as a last-resort security measure.

Companies put together backup and recovery solutions under a single vendor management framework, attempting to save costs by distributing data across various media and infrastructure, with the sole goal of providing a low-cost insurance policy for data

What is different now? For starters, IT organizations are searching for converged architectures to replace multi-tier architectures and have shifted toward virtualized private cloud models. Second, IT is under pressure to accomplish more with less because of the explosion in the volume of data under administration.

These days, IT teams consist of more general jobs rather than as many specialist ones. Lastly, new data use cases like analytics and test/dev have been made possible by public and hybrid clouds, which presents difficulties for data management and security.

Why Do We Make Backups?

There are numerous reasons why your company might choose to create a data backup. Recovering lost data is the main motivation. The loss may result from a hardware or software malfunction, an unintentional deletion, or a malware attack.

You can quickly restore your files if any of those scenarios happen, and you have a backup copy of them. While it is ideal to avoid situations that lead to data loss, data backups offer data security in the case of a system breakdown.

Backing up individual computers is not the same as backing up servers. While data on company servers need more formal backup procedures, individual computer users can backup their own data whenever they want and anyway they like.

Pro Tip: Backups are a must have at all times. It is crucial to save a reliable copy of your data in case your computer system breaks.

Backup Steps: The Basics (101)

  1. Locate the files (documents, spreadsheets, databases, etc.) that you wish to backup.
  2. Transfer the files to a cloud storage disk, external drive, USB drive, or other backup medium.
  3. Repetition of the above at the appointed time

Keep in mind that this backup level is basic. To make it simple to identify which files require a backup, you should ideally keep your files sorted into folders.

Types of Backups

Generally speaking, there are three basic kinds of backups. Based on your business model and level of scalability, you can select one of the following:

  • Full Backup: This is a basic and complete backup operation that makes a copy of all your data to another media set such as a disk, tape or CD. A complete copy of all your data is thus made available on a single media set. It takes longer to perform and requires a lot of storage space, so it is typically used in combination with either a differential or incremental backup.
  • Incremental Backup: This operation results in the copying of only that data that has changed since your last backup operation. A backup application will record and keep track of the time and date on which all backup operations occur. This operation is faster and requires less storage media than a full backup solution would.
  • Differential Backup: Similar to the incremental type, differential backups will copy all changed data from a previous episode but every time they run, they continue to copy all the data changed since the stated previous full backup.

Backup Considerations

  • What to Backup: There are many different types of data that can be protected. On PCs, servers, notebooks, and laptops, stored files can be backed up. Furthermore, you should back up any data that is maintained by programs you employ, like QuickBooks, email clients, and client intake systems. An organization ought to talk about what information is most crucial. Information belonging to the organization should always be backed up, whether it is on office computers or home computers that employees may use for business.
  • Frequency: To avoid data loss, regular backups must take place. The more regularly scheduled backups your business performs, the better. Regular backups cost money, time and resources, yet these drawbacks are outweighed by the advantages.
  • Storage Location: Keeping some backup data offsite is a smart idea. Should a natural disaster strike, your backup won’t be of any use if the building and all of the computers are destroyed.
  • Security: You should make sure that the backup data is safe and only accessible by those who are permitted to use it to restore lost data, regardless of whether it is stored on-site or offsite
  • Retention: Another factor to think about is how much history needs to be preserved. It may be appropriate for you to save backups that are days, weeks, months, or even years old, depending on the specifics of your company. Remember that you will want more space (at an increasing cost) the more backups you want to preserve.

It is crucial to determine which data you maintain carries these legal duties because you can be required by law to preserve certain records for your company that date back one, two, three, or more years.

  • Make certain that EVERYONE handling records is informed of any applicable legal requirements.
  • The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 mandates that most documents be retained for seven years. (As of 2024, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) has been in effect for over two decades.)

Job and Scheduling Flexibility

In the past, backup windows and backup job schedules were frequently the main focus.

In order for a business to meet its recovery time objectives (RTO) and recovery point objectives (RPO), these areas were essential. Sadly, this frequently resulted in backup engineers becoming merely enhanced work schedulers—an unintended consequence of intricate designs.

  • The RPO, which is based on backup frequency, is the point in time used for restoration. A reduced RPO reduces the amount of data lost in the case of a primary system failure. Systems for backup and recovery attain reduced failure rates by increasing the frequency of backups, but at the cost of increased network traffic and data copies being kept. Mission-critical applications require RPOs to be available as points in time, measured in minutes, rather than hours or days.
  • The recovery time of an item, like a file, server, or datacenter, is represented by an RTO. In the event of a primary system failure, a lower RTO reduces downtime; however, this comes at the cost of utilizing more expensive, faster-access media (such as a disk) and expensive network switches to transfer data back to an accessible location.

Backup vs. Recovery

Recovery is the process of retrieving data from a backup. It means copying data from the backup media to an existing device or a new device. It could also mean copying data from the cloud to a local device, or from one cloud to another.

Types of Recovery

Methods for recovering data differ according to the kind of data loss. They consist of cloud-based recovery, virtualization VM Backup, bare metal recovery, file-level recovery and volume recovery. Every method seeks to effectively recover lost or corrupted data while causing the least amount of disturbance to business activities.

  1. Restore Files: Replacing one or more missing files from a backup to the original or new place is known as file restoration.
  2. Restore Volume: When bare-metal restore is not needed, volume restore is used to restore a large number of files by retrieving files and directories with full rights.
  3. Restore Bare Metal: The process of restoring the complete system image—that is, the protected machine’s data, apps, settings, and operating system—from a backup to a new physical server is known as “bare-metal restore.” “Bare metal” describes the new system’s unutilized and unconfigured hardware. The bare-metal restore will be used if the primary server malfunctions, is damaged, or cannot be operated in any other way.
  4. Virtualization on a local level: One component of the BCDR (business continuity and disaster recovery) solution that can enable quick restoration of business activities is local virtualization. Local virtualization starts the virtual server from a snapshot on the backup device by utilizing hypervisor technology. As a result, businesses can carry on as usual while the primary server is being restored.
  5. Virtualization in the Cloud: The procedure mentioned above is known as “cloud virtualization,” however it takes place in the cloud as opposed to on a local backup device. The backup server image can be made into a three-tiered cloud copy by certain BCDR solutions. Business operations can continue on the cloud backup server image in the event that the primary server and backup server are both rendered inoperable, for instance due to a fire or flood.

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To show their dedication to data integrity and consumer trust, organizations need to give priority to data backup and recovery.

This can provide you a competitive edge in the data-driven commercial world of today. Finally, since ignoring data backup and recovery exposes you to needless risks and vulnerabilities that can result in financial loss and business disruptions, it should be an essential component of your data management plan.

You will preserve your important data and guarantee company continuity by putting best practices into effect and utilizing the newest technologies.


What do you mean by data backup?

A copy of the original data that is intended to be used in the event that the original data is lost is called a data backup. Primary data failures can be caused by hardware or software issues, damaged data, or human mistake from unintentional loss of data or malicious malware attacks. The ability to restore data from a previous point in time is provided by backup copies, which can aid in a business’s recovery from an unforeseen tragedy.

Does recovery drive backup everything?

In the event of a failure, a recovery drive usually creates a backup copy of the critical system files and configurations needed to restore the computer’s operating system. Nevertheless, by default, it usually doesn’t backup user data, programs, or personal files. In addition to a recovery drive, frequent backups of important data and personal information should be made using specialized backup programs or services for complete data security.

How does data backup work?

Data backup is transferring crucial files and configurations to an alternate location, such as an external drive or nowadays, a more popular choice, cloud storage in the event that data is lost owing to malware, hardware malfunction, or inadvertent deletion. This guarantees data protection and permits recovery, data availability and dependability that are guaranteed by routine testing and backups.

What Is Endpoint Backup, and How Does It Work?

What Is Endpoint Backup, and How Does It Work?

Definition of Endpoint Backup

Endpoint backup software ensures data security and ease of recovery by automatically backing up data from devices such as desktops, laptops, cellphones, and tablets. Its functions include file versioning, encryption, remote access, and continuous data protection.

The market for endpoint backup software is flourishing with the increasing usage of mobile devices and growing concerns about data security. Data protection on all endpointsᅳincluding employee-owned remote devicesᅳis becoming a top priority for organizations.

Remote work has become the new normal, and so does the increasing demand for endpoint backup software since it protects confidential data from theft or loss.

Why Endpoint Backup?

Numerous possible data loss scenarios are guarded against by endpoint backup solutions, including:

  • Hardware failure: Data and configurations can be transferred to a new device using an endpoint backup in the event of device hardware failure.
  • Ransomware attacks: The best defense against ransomware, hands down, is a proper Backup solution that guarantees the recovery of your data.
  • Natural disasters: Data can be restored during a natural disaster event that affects the primary location if backups are kept in a remote location.
  • Human error: Data that has been inadvertently erased or overwritten by an employee can be restored using backups.
  • Devices that have been lost or stolen: If a device is lost or stolen, backups can be utilized to restore data to a new device.

How Does Endpoint Backup Work?

Installation and Setup

The journey of endpoint total backup begins with the installation of specialized software on each individual device requiring protection. This software, provided by dedicated backup vendors or integrated within comprehensive data protection suites, establishes a secure connection between the endpoint and the backup infrastructure.

End-users or designated IT administrators specify which files, directories, and apps to include in the backup scope during the setup process. Furthermore, preferences are configured to conform to user preferences and organizational requirements. These preferences include backup frequency, retention regulations, and encryption settings.

Data Backup Process

Once configured, the endpoint backup solution operates silently in the background, continuously monitoring designated files and folders for changes or updates. When new data is created, or existing files are modified, the backup software swiftly captures these changes and initiates the backup process.

Depending on the chosen backup strategy, endpoint backup solutions typically employ one of the following methods:

  • Incremental Backup: In this approach, only the changes made since the last backup are transferred to the backup repository, minimizing bandwidth usage and storage requirements.
  • Differential Backup: Only data added or altered since the last complete backup is copied using a differential backup technique. A backup on Monday would replicate all of the changes made since Sunday if your last complete backup occurred on Sunday. All of the modifications made since Sunday would be replicated if you made another backup on Tuesday. The backup file’s size would gradually grow until the subsequent complete backup.
  • Full Backup: Alternatively, some solutions may perform periodic full backups, where all selected data is copied to the backup destination. While this method ensures comprehensive data protection, it may consume more storage space and network resources.

Secure Data Storage

The backed-up data is securely transmitted to a designated backup destination, which can vary depending on the organization’s preferences and infrastructure. Common storage options include:

  • On-Premises Servers: Data is stored on internal servers or network-attached storage (NAS) devices within the organization’s premises, offering complete control over data sovereignty and compliance.
  • Cloud Storage: Alternatively, organizations may opt for cloud-based backup solutions, leveraging secure and scalable storage provided by third-party cloud service providers. This approach offers flexibility, accessibility, and reduced infrastructure overhead.

Regardless of the chosen storage method, endpoint backup solutions prioritize data security through encryption, access controls, and other advanced security measures, safeguarding sensitive information from unauthorized access or data breaches.

Restoration and Recovery

In the unfortunate event of data loss, device failure, or cyberattack, the true value of endpoint backup shines through during the restoration and recovery phase. Users can leverage the backup solution’s intuitive interface to initiate recovery, selectively restoring individual files, folders, or entire system images to their original state.

Due to the online public visibility of MX records and auto-discover entries, attackers can easily identify an M365 user. As a result, it is essential that you safeguard your enterprise M365 accounts using available settings in Microsoft 365, Entra ID (formerly Azure AD) and Microsoft Defender.

Types of Endpoint Backup

Generally, endpoint backup could have a different use case for every organization, and not every endpoint should and will get the same type of backup. Here are few examples:

File-level Backup

A scenario where you are safeguarding your client, customers or other sensitive data, on a server, let’s say in an air gap system. A natural disaster could easily wipe out all of the data, and it is a wise decision to use File Level Backup to ensure the information is safe.

Image-Based Backup

This type of backup, takes a snapshot of your whole system, settings, Operating system, applications, and data. It is a wise decision where sensitive data is kept on an employee workstation where crucial information is shared between departments on a daily basis.

Continuous Data Protection

CDP solutions capture continuous changes on data on endpoints, in real time (True CDP) or sometimes frequent intervals to ensure data loss is minimized (Near CDP). This solves the problem of the “backup window”, where organizations are at risk of losing data created between two scheduled backups. It also provides powerful protection against threats like malware and ransomware, as well as sabotage or accidental deletion of data.

To properly backup your Microsoft 365 environment, use Hornetsecurity one-of-a-kind services:

To keep up with the latest Microsoft 365 articles and practices, visit our Hornetsecurity blog now.


Endpoint backup is becoming a business necessity rather than a luxury as cybersecurity threats are on the rise!

You can safeguard important data and guarantee operational resilience by getting in touch with a reputable endpoint backup solution supplier so you can concentrate on long-term success.


What does endpoint protection do?

Endpoint protection provides monitoring and comprehensive defense on devices such as Desktops, laptops, tablets, smartphones and other gadgets from a wide area of cyber attacks, protecting the data they contain from unauthorized access and changes.

Do I need endpoint protection?

Even in the absence of symptoms, there may be malicious malware on your computer. Without your knowledge or approval, this kind of software can gather data about you and your machine. However, nowadays, endpoint backup/protection can help you stay data compliant by meeting compliance with regulatory requirements such as HIPAA, GDPR, SOC2 and ISO27001 standards.

What is an endpoint?

An endpoint is a physical device such as desktop, laptop, tablet and any IoT device.

How to Create the Optimal Disaster Recovery Architecture

How to Create the Optimal Disaster Recovery Architecture

We have worked through designing and configuring a backup strategy. We have dispatched others on a quest to define their needs and roles in a disaster situation.

Now we need to focus on the critical aspect for the IT admin – to architect a solution that will carry technology solutions through. The most appropriate label for this portion is “business continuity”.

We want to enable our systems to maintain enough functionality to support business processes through adverse situations. This expands well beyond simple backup.

Using Secondary Sites for Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

Geographically distant alternative operating sites are the most direct way to achieve business continuity in a disaster situation. Larger businesses may have additional locations that they can designate as secondary to others.

In order to qualify as a secondary or alternative site, the location must have sufficient computing capability and space for dislocated personnel to stand in for the primary site. Logistical constraints may force operations to run at diminished capacity but set your goal at reasonable continuation of business functions.

As we will see in the “Business Process for Disaster Recovery” section, recent technology advances have alleviated the pressure for secondary sites to match primaries.

Evaluating Secondary Site Viability

Merely owning another building does not automatically mean that you can use it as a disaster recovery location. Most importantly, the sites must have enough geographical distance between them that a single disaster won’t disable both.

A secondary site must also not require a great deal of effort to make into a functional workspace. An empty warehouse will not replace a datacenter and call center in short order, for example.

If you don’t already have business justification for a secondary site, then you might need the same employees to operate out of both locations. In that case, they must be close enough that traveling to the alternative site doesn’t constitute a hardship.

If the most probable types of concerns in your region are building fires and tornadoes, then a few miles should suffice. If hurricanes, tsunamis, wildfires, or earthquakes threaten you, then you might face a greater challenge.

Always consider the primary business function of a site. Sadly, secondary sites simply cannot save some. If you distribute widgets from your main warehouse and a fire eliminates all the inventory, would a backup site accomplish anything meaningful? If you can file insurance claims against the data loss and redirect suppliers and carriers to another warehouse, then you can answer, “yes”. If you cannot find a way for a backup site to continue the business functions of its primary, then it adds overhead without value.

Handling Split Responsibilities

With the limitless variety of configurations, one article series cannot cover all possibilities. This section is written as if all sites perform all roles (operations, finance, computing, etc.). Reality ranges somewhere between that and locations dedicated to specific activities.

In your documentation, rather than pairing one site to another, you can match a function of a site to the location that can act as its secondary. For example, a site that is just a datacenter might fail over to a building that houses server hardware and sales staff.

The computing equipment at the alternative location could use the dedicated datacenter as its secondary, but the sales functions would need to be targeted somewhere else.

Planning Hot Secondary Sites

A hot site can take over for a primary site very quickly. It has sufficient hardware onsite and is operational and receives regular data updates directly from the primary site. Enabling such a feat requires detailed planning, high quality equipment, frequent maintenance, and constant monitoring.

You will need regular, perhaps permanent, onsite staff. That staff must know how to keep the inter-site replication operating and how to fail over from the primary and back.

As you might expect, this level of functionality carries a significant cost. It works best in companies that have enough resources and volume to justify multiple locations even before considering business continuity. To operate as a hot secondary site, the location must have:

  • Sufficient connectivity to the primary site during normal operations to support replication; measure speed and stability
  • Server hardware powerful enough to operate in the absence of the primary site
  • Physical space for personnel
  • Suitable connectivity for failover conditions; think of computer and voice networking

An upcoming article dives deeper into replication. For now, understand that a hot site needs nearly constant data updates from its main site. That means that you need a fast and sturdy data connection between them. At the high end, you can order direct fiber runs between locations.

Research the available options for point-to-point services. If you cannot find or afford such services, you will need to use general Internet connectivity instead. If possible, utilize two different providers per site. For maximum value, separate providers should use different infrastructure.

It greatly reduces your redundancy if both follow the same circuits to your building or if they route through the same intermediate facilities. Rural installations have great susceptibility to outages from ditch-digging accidents. Identify such concerns and plan mitigations and workarounds.

Place a premium on data security implementation. If you can afford point-to-point technology, then you have a lower risk profile for data interception.

For the greatest protection, encrypt traffic as it traverses sites. Have devices under your control perform the encryption and decryption. Even lower-end equipment frequently supports site-to-site VPN technology. Forcing all traffic that crosses the line through an encrypted tunnel prevents the need to police all communications separately.

As a bonus, you can alleviate the CPU load on computing equipment by allowing your replication software to skip its own encryption functions.

Be mindful of the computing and data storage needs of a hot site. It will require at least as much as the primary, and perhaps more. It may become a “data dump” for archival purposes.

As a secondary site ages without handling a catastrophe, it might find some of its resources “temporarily” repurposed. You will probably not have any real power to stop that from happening, and these “temporary” activities tend to become permanent.

Make certain to maintain a minimum level of functionality and capacity at each secondary site.

Employee spaces need to be prepared to accept personnel at any time. Prepare it like any other work site. It needs:

  • Power
  • Water
  • Lighting
  • Seating
  • Desktop computing
  • Voice support
  • Air handling

You might face some struggles acquiring maintenance support to make this viable. While the data recovery portions of a plan obviously fall to IT, these types of business continuity responsibilities fall outside its purview.

Your business managers will be reluctant to devote resources like this to any building that does not have a continuous personnel presence.

Even if you get sign-off in the first year, that does not preclude someone from looking back in a few years and deciding that it was wasteful and that the resources should go somewhere else. In those cases, you might lose your alternative site entirely.

If you are uncertain that you can maintain a hot site into perpetuity, strongly consider implementing a warm or cold site instead.

Planning Warm Secondary Sites

Warm sites mainly differ from hot sites in the lack of continuous data updates. We only treat that as a convention, not an unbreakable definition. In practical usage, a warm site may simply mean the closest that an organization gets to having a hot site. A warm site has two major distinctions from a hot site:

  • A warm site needs more than a few minutes’ effort to resume operations from the primary
  • The inter-site network connection between a primary site and a warm site does not need to pass any special quality tests

Because a warm site does not receive continuous updates, you must have a plan in place to transfer data to the site when needed.

You can achieve that by having employees transport backup tapes or drives to the site and restoring them on the hardware there. You can relay data through a cloud provider. Since your plan cannot depend on the presence of any specific individual, use the most generic descriptions and instructions possible.

Anyone that the task might fall to must understand their responsibilities before needing to undertake them.

The site does need to meet all the other tests that apply to a hot site. But, if it can’t function as an alternative location, then it fails the test entirely.

However, you have more flexibility as the architecture and definition of a warm site include an expectation that it will take some time to spin up. To properly distinguish itself from a cold site, it must have adequate onsite computing abilities to resume business functions from the primary site.

Planning Cold Secondary Sites

Cold sites have the widest definition of the three alternative sites. Anything that could replace primary site functionality can qualify. Like warm sites, they lack an active replication scheme. They differ from warm sites in that they do not contain enough computing hardware. Such a site requires significantly less cost and effort to maintain, especially at hardware refresh intervals.

These savings come with a risk trade-off. If you lose your primary site due to a localized building fire, then you can probably get replacement hardware quickly. If the calamity is widespread and affects a large number of businesses, you might face significant supply and delivery challenges.

At the same time, if both your primary and secondary sites exist within the danger zone, you might work from the odds that one of the buildings remains usable. In that situation, it might make sense to only gamble with the contents of one facility.

A cold site must pass most of the non-computing tests of a hot site without the always-on restrictions. The time waiting for computers to arrive and data restoration to be completed also gives you time for office furniture delivery.

The power and environmental systems must function before people start, so find out if your utility companies can make that happen quickly enough that you do not need to maintain them when not in use.

Cold sites require a meaningful amount of time to begin work. They reduce your ability to continually conduct business. Another upcoming article will explore the technologies that can greatly mitigate these shortcomings.

Ongoing Maintenance for Secondary Sites

If all goes well, you will never need to use a secondary site. Unfortunately, such good fortune can also cause a loss of interest and long-term unwillingness to sink further funds into it. You must include all secondary locations in the regular updates of your plan.


  • Does the site still have sufficient hardware to take over for the primary?
  • Do we know that power, water, lighting, and environmental systems function?
  • Do current employees know how to get to the site?
  • Do current employees understand their role in transitioning to the alternative site?
  • Do we have monitoring in place that guarantees the quality of replication?
  • Are we replicating everything? Have we added any systems since we last answered this question?

Site maintenance goes well beyond the functions of IT. Keep the relevant departments invested. When you perform reviews of the disaster recovery plan, invite them to provide updates.

Analyzing Disaster Recovery Hardware Needs

In a perfect world (perfect except for disasters, anyway), you would establish secondary sites as complete mirrors of their primaries. Budgets and managerial tolerances rarely make that possible. So, you’ll need to document hardware needs to enable disaster recovery.

If you can afford secondary sites, then determine acceptable hardware levels. Whether you have only one site or many, you must have access to the necessary hardware to make disaster recovery possible.

End-User Infrastructure and Systems

Some things have no room for reduction. Every knowledge worker will need a computing device. Every one of those devices will need some way to attach to the network. On the non-technical side, each person will need a chair and a work surface.

The business managers responsible for related operations will need to participate in planning. They can provide headcounts and need assessments relevant to replacement and secondary site concerns.

End-user networking will require a physical survey of any secondary sites. You can determine port counts easily, but even a cold site should not wait for cabling.

You might also uncover conditions that dictate a different deployment strategy, such as per-floor local hardware instead of home runs from each endpoint.

Inter-site and Internet connectivity need planning as well. If you want the secondary to act as a hot site, you will need enough bandwidth, reliability, and security to safely transmit data from the primary.

If the site has another use when not in business continuity mode, then its current Internet connection may not have sufficient bandwidth to accommodate overflow employees from the primary. Consult employees and have them think through what they need to conduct a normal days’ business. Plan for printing, faxing, and other needs.

Server Infrastructure and Systems

For single-site recovery planning, usually you only need the specifications of your hardware. If you buy using any sort of account with a vendor, they probably maintain a purchase history. However, they probably don’t know the purpose of any of it.

For the best results, include a hardware catalog in your disaster recovery planning. Specify the hardware’s purpose, then its specifications. For general purpose equipment that exists to extend coverage, such as end-user aggregator switches and printers, you can use locations instead.

If you use hot or warm secondaries, they will need to have server systems onsite. Take care when configuring standby server hardware. There will be temptation to purchase lower-powered equipment than what you have in the primary site.

Since you may need to run at reduced functionality, that seems logical. However, you may fail to receive sufficient funding for the secondary site when it comes time to refresh the hardware at the primary site. If that’s a concern, then consider using somewhat higher-end equipment than you strictly need.

You might need to add switching, routing, firewall, and load-balancing equipment for any servers that will only operate in a failover condition. Having enough between sites to enable replication does not mean that it can also suddenly take on the load of dozens or hundreds of users performing their daily roles.

Inter-Site Hardware

Beginning the use of multiple sites for disaster recovery requires additional equipment. You have many architectural decisions to make, and some might challenge your networking teams’ current knowledge levels. Among the things to consider:

  • Will you use point-to-point networking to enable replication?
  • Will you maintain a constant direct Internet connection at the secondary, or will you have it physically connected but only have your provider turn it on when needed?
  • If you have a constant point-to-point connection, will you also have constant Internet connections at the secondary?
  • Will you require the remote sites to tunnel through the primary for their Internet access and only enable direct-connect in the event of an emergency?
  • Do you have the necessary hardware to perform the desired functions at each location?
  • Does your staff have the networking knowledge to configure this as desired?
  • Will you use temporary consultants to configure things and repair them on-demand or train your staff?

Much of your decision-making will depend on how much of a shift these secondary sites represent for your organization. If you already have multiple sites and deal with these problems today, then you likely also have the expertise on hand. If you have always used a single site with simple networking, adding even one connected site can greatly complicate everything.

While the staff that you have today can certainly learn the additional functionality, you have no guarantees that they will stay. If you cannot afford to hire that level of talent into perpetuity, then consider hiring a professional networking firm to architect and maintain the inter-site links.

Disaster Recovery Hardware

With all of the talk of remote sites, networking tends to dominate the discussion. Don’t neglect the systems that will truly make disaster recovery possible. If you use tapes, make certain that you have access to tape drives that can read them. For tapes recorded last week, that’s easy. For tapes recorded in 2002, you might have to work harder.

As things transition more to using commodity hardware and online services, this concern shrinks. Look through your backup systems for anything that might require special handling if you lose the entire facility where the backup was taken. Make sure that you can restore its contents on alternative hardware.

Disaster Recovery Hardware

Maximizing Disaster Recovery Architecture

The hardest question in business continuity planning: “What are we missing?” Even comprehensive guides don’t prepare you for everything. Sometimes, after going over a prepared checklist or write-up, we have a hard time thinking beyond it.

For help, review your brainstorming sessions from earlier articles. Reach out to colleagues that have a stake but have not seen what you’ve already come up with. Take a physical walk through your primary site and look for anything that wasn’t brought up in meetings.

At no point should you claim that you have “finished” your planning. Always leave a few blank lines, at least metaphorically, for more information. Add disaster recovery tie-ins to any formalized processes for starting new or updating existing projects of any kind. Start up a system for employees to suggest items that didn’t make the initial plans.

Another recent “wrinkle” in this planning is the adoption of work from home or work from anywhere schemes. Depending on your industry vertical everyone may not need to be in an office to perform their duties.

However, this presents other challenges to include in your planning, if your solution to a burnt-out office is “everyone just works from home”, do you have the security, networking and systems infrastructure to facilitate this? And if you do, what if the fire was larger and many of those homes have also been destroyed?

To properly protect your virtualization environment and all the data, use Hornetsecurity VM Backup to securely back up and replicate your virtual machine.

We ensure the security of your Microsoft 365 environment through our comprehensive 365 Total Protection Enterprise Backup and 365 Total Backup solutions.

For complete guidance, get our comprehensive Backup Bible, which serves as your indispensable resource containing invaluable information on backup and disaster recovery.

To keep up to date with the latest articles and practices, pay a visit to our Hornetsecurity blog now.


Establishing the optimal disaster recovery architecture involves a multifaceted approach. Having navigated through backup strategies and defined roles in disaster situations, the focus shifts to business continuity. Geographically distant secondary sites play a crucial role, requiring thorough evaluation for viability.

The distinction between hot, warm, and cold secondary sites necessitates careful planning, considering factors like hardware needs, inter-site connectivity, and ongoing maintenance. Analyzing end-user and server infrastructure, as well as maximizing disaster recovery architecture, ensures a comprehensive strategy.

The ever-evolving nature of business demands continuous review and adaptation, leaving room for improvement and innovation in disaster recovery planning.


What are the steps in disaster recovery?

Steps in disaster recovery:

  • Risk Assessment: Identify potential risks and assess their impact.
  • Business Impact Analysis (BIA): Determine critical business functions and acceptable downtime.
  • Planning: Develop a comprehensive disaster recovery plan.
  • Data Backup: Regularly back up critical data offsite.
  • Redundancy: Implement redundant systems and infrastructure.
  • Testing: Regularly test the disaster recovery plan to ensure effectiveness.
  • Training: Educate employees on their roles during a disaster.
  • Documentation: Maintain up-to-date documentation of systems and procedures.

What is the best method for disaster recovery?

The best method for disaster recovery involves a combination of:

  • Data Backups: Regularly back up critical data.
  • Cloud Services: Leverage cloud platforms for data storage and application deployment.
  • Redundancy: Implement redundant systems and infrastructure.
  • Regular Testing: Regularly test the disaster recovery plan to identify and address potential issues.
  • Automation: Use automation tools for faster recovery processes.

How long should disaster recovery take?

The duration of disaster recovery varies based on factors like the extent of the disaster, IT infrastructure complexity, and the effectiveness of the recovery plan. Organizations set a Recovery Time Objective (RTO), ranging from minutes to hours, depending on business priorities and criticality. RTOs differ for each system or service, aiming for swift restoration to minimize downtime.

Essential Objectives your Disaster Recovery Strategy Must Achieve

Essential Objectives your Disaster Recovery Strategy Must Achieve

When we talk about disaster recovery and business continuity planning, we devote most of our time and space to backup operations. For technologists and systems administrators, that makes sense. However, this is not the full story.

For almost everyone else in a business, other things matter more. We touched on some of these points briefly while discussing the planning phase.

In this article, we will expand on them. Because IT often drives continuity and recovery planning, it may fall to you to motivate the other business units to participate.

Disaster Recovery Planning Beyond the Datacenter

During risk analysis, you likely found many hazards that would damage much more than data and systems. Fire threatens everyone and everything.

Floods have as much ubiquity; even if you build your business atop a mountain miles away from a river, you still have plumbing. Some sites need to worry about civil unrest and terrorism. Simple mistakes can have far-reaching implications.

Your disaster recovery strategy must consider all plausible (and perhaps some implausible) risks. Just as you plan to recover systems and data, you must also think of your people, buildings, equipment, and other property.

Use your findings as a basis to bring the non-technical groups into the process. You might need to convince executives in order to gain the leverage that you need. Remember that the best data protection and recovery schemes mean nothing if the organization has no plan to continue operations.

A question template to capture interest: “How do we satisfy customers/meet our contractual obligations/ continue making money in the event of…?”

Establish plan scope

During the initial discovery phase, you involved the leaders of other departments and teams. In addition to their technical requirements, they also have knowledge of the personnel, locations, and items needed to carry out their group’s function.

All of that information is vital to understanding the business’ critical IT operations. Hopefully, those sorts of things were included in the early stages of planning. The sample checklists provided in the appendixes have a handful of questions related to people and things.

To fully encompass your organization, your disaster recovery plan must expand further.

Covering locations

We will revisit the subject of business sites a few times during this discussion. Right now, we need to think in terms of which locations to include in your plan and what to record about them. It’s unlikely that you would exclude any working site, but your company might own some empty or unused properties.

When you update your plan in the future, you may need to remove locations that the organization no longer owns or controls.

When you place sites into the scope of your disaster recovery plan, you should centralize their role within that context. Labels like “main campus” don’t mean much to someone trying to address a catastrophe.

For every place listed in your plan, include:

  • Where: Identify locations by address (e.g., 7904 West Front Road). If your organization has informal shorthand and anyone likely to read your disaster recovery document will understand it, you can use that as well (e.g., “Pinewood B” to represent the B building on your Pinewood Road campus).
  • Normal operations purpose: Succinctly and clearly note the typical purpose of the site (e.g., “primary accounting site”). Small companies may not list anything other than “main operations” or “main office” or the like.
  • Disaster recovery operations purpose: List the expected use of the site during or after a disaster if it survives. Be creative and get others involved, such as head of the team or department responsible for building maintenance. Use entries such as “overflow site for accounts receivable”, “alternative shipping and receiving facility”, and “tornado shelter”.

This exercise will expose many things that staff should consider. Where will employees go if you lose a site? What about customers? Does every location have a disaster response plan? Where can we shelter people?

If a loss impacts the loading dock, where else can we ship and receive freight? Look out for other vital information to include.

Protecting equipment

The term “equipment” connotes different things, depending on your industry and business function.

Your disaster recovery plan needs to account for all kinds. If it’s tangible and isn’t land, a building, or inventory that you sell as part of your normal business operations, then it might also have a place here. The equipment inventory portion of a disaster recovery document addresses these concerns:

  • What was lost or damaged in a disaster, and what is still serviceable
  • What qualifies for an insurance claim?
  • What leases, loans, and rentals were impacted?
  • What bulk small items would need replacements? (e.g., pens, paper stock)

Make your search broad. You need to cover vehicles, printers, desks, and anything else that your business would need in order to return to full functionality after a destructive event.

You will likely separate this portion from your major IT inventory. Personal computers, devices, and printers could logically appear in either place. You might also wish to create separate lists for different departments, sites, etc.

Use any organizational method that makes sense and would have value in the hectic aftermath of a calamity.

Handling business inventory

If your business works with inventory flow (retail, manufacturing, etc.), then you will need a section for it, separated from the equipment entry. Due to its fluid nature, precision gains you nothing but work. Instead, document its supporting structure. Examples:

  • Link to sites (warehouse, retail outlet, etc.)
  • Methods to account for damaged, destroyed, or stolen inventory
  • Disposal processes for damaged and destroyed inventory
  • Mitigations in place (fire suppressant systems, backup generators for freezers, etc.)
  • Contacts to repair, replace, and reset mitigations
  • Information on insurance coverage and processes

Remember to stay on target: you are not trying to duplicate your inventory system. You only want to incorporate inventory management into your disaster recovery plan.

Preparing and safeguarding personnel

Human life and safety concerns make this portion of your planning stand out. For the bulk of your physical items, you will have to wait to respond until after the disaster. People need immediate attention and care.

As this article primarily targets technology workers, these responsibilities may not fall to you. Either way, the organization’s disaster recovery plan must include people-related preparedness and response points. Elements to consider:

  • Building exit points
  • Evacuation routes
  • Emergency power and light sources
  • First aid kits
  • Fire suppression devices and systems
  • Extreme weather shelter
  • Staff drills
  • Notification/call trees
  • Check-in procedures

Some of these items might be excessive for your situation. For instance, if you have a one-room shop with two employees, then your evacuation route is “door”, your call “tree” is a flat line, and drills are not the best use of your time.

If something does not make sense to include in your plan, skip it or use some sort of placeholder to fill in as your company grows. No one should disregard this step entirely. All organizations of all sizes can find something of value here.

Do not consider this list comprehensive. Compare it to your identified risks. Gather input from others. If your business already has safety or emergency management teams, join forces. They have likely worked through all of this, and you only need to find logical connection points to your data and systems recovery plans.

Even if you do not have a designated team, someone might have done some of this work to comply with regulatory demands.

Prioritizing and documenting departmental tie-ins

Take exceptional care with organizational seams. In the example that mixed IT and sales, the sales staff will depend on other teams (depending on the disaster conditions). They will be limited in their response until those other components fall into place.

Without a predefined process, IT will likely receive a call every few minutes from a different salesperson asking, “Are we up yet?” To prevent that, specify how response teams will utilize the notification system.

Designate points of contact between the departments. When you take those spurious calls, notify the caller who is in their department and was selected to disseminate information. These small preparations reduce frustration and interruptions.

Delegating information collection and retention

One person will not bear the responsibility of all items covered in this chapter. Depending on the size and makeup of your organization, you may need to involve people from several departments. You will have the best luck with subject-matter experts, especially if they have already done some of this work.

For instance, most manufacturing companies that existed before computers have had equipment and inventory control systems in place for a long time.

Plan to encounter some resistance. Department heads might see this as an encroachment into their territory. Some people just will not want any more work to squeeze into their day. Have some points ready to show the benefits of cooperation.

Disaster recovery planning is a unified effort for the entire company, not a way to wrest control. In a disaster, every department will be expected to take responsibility for their part. A plan will help to establish the rules in advance.

The central plan only needs sufficient information to coordinate a recovery effort. If a department already has a detailed procedure, then you might only need to document its input and output junction points to other departments.

However, make it clear that you cannot simply use something like, “to recover the billing department, call Bill.” A disaster recovery plan cannot depend on any individual.

If all else fails, you should have gotten executive sign-off when beginning this project. Leverage that as a last resort.

Just as you have learned that business continuity planning is an ongoing process, not an event, you will need to make the leaders of the other business units aware. Set up a quarterly or biannual schedule for everyone to bring their updates and to review the document.

Keep as much of the documentation together as possible. Some departments may insist on maintaining their own. IT often takes on business continuity planning because it is the hub, but the plan belongs to the entire organization. Integrate as much of it as you can.

Restoring Non-data Services

Just as we need to document and prepare for disaster to strike our business units, we also need to have a path back to functionality.

We’ve touched on this in previous points of the text where it made sense. Recovery requires a substantial amount of time and effort to perform. It should have a matching level of representation in your plan.

If you worked straight down through this section, then you have already begun to think about the necessary components. Buildings need to be made usable, equipment needs to return to service, inventory needs to flow.

All those activities represent individual pieces. As they start up and come online, employees will move to the next tier: coordinate the pieces to enable your business’ functions and services.

With modern digitized infrastructure, IT often provides a backbone for everyone else. Unfortunately, the world will not stop just because the computers do not work. You need an alternative course of action.

Downtime procedures

Each department or team needs to develop downtime procedures. Define a minimum time period that staff have no access to the system before switching procedures. If IT can bring things back in a few minutes, the switchover probably consumes too much time.

The upcoming “Business Process” section will expand these concepts. Right now, we mostly want to present its tie-ins to the non-technology portions of the business. A few ideas to get you started on developing downtime procedures:

  • Prepared paper forms, receipts, and ledgers
  • Traditional telephone lines as backup to VoIP
  • Cell phones or handheld radios for internal communications

To reiterate, these procedures specifically apply to continuing business processes through a system failure. Do not mix them with response and recovery activities.

As an example, “periodically add gasoline to the backup generator” is fine to include. Something like, “notify carriers of alternative pick-up and drop-off sites” should go elsewhere.

Staff that do not need to devote their time to resumption efforts will follow downtime procedures.

Dependency hierarchies

Create visual aids that illustrate the differences between necessary and desired dependencies. For simple designs, text trees might suffice. However, you already have tools that can easily produce suitable graphics. As an example, consider the following diagram of a shipping/receiving department’s operation:

Dependency hierarchies

The structure of this graphic implies that the “Shipping and Receiving” function must have people to work the freight and a place to load and unload. The placement of the service atop two separate blocks shows that it can operate with either but must have at least one.

Inventory software appears first (in a left-right culture), indicating that it has preference over the paper-based solution. If some other service relies on the shipping and receiving function, then start another diagram for it with a single “Shipping/ Receiving” block at its bottom.

An image like this works well for simple hierarchies and is easy to make. This particular graphic was built in Microsoft PowerPoint and exported as an image. PowerPoint also includes several standard flowcharting shapes for more complicated trees.

If you need even more detail, you can bump up to a dedicated diagramming product such as Microsoft Visio.

Organizing disparate documentation

With everything in this section added in with your IT documentation, your disaster recovery plan may become unwieldy. To minimize the problem:

  • Decide on a logical document organization strategy and apply it uniformly
  • Use your tools’ features to create a navigable table of contents
  • Split the document

If possible, build a template for departments to follow. If you find that needs are too diverse for a single form, you can create multiple forms from the same source, or you can have a generic starting point with custom content.

Maintain the core principle that the people who initially create and innately understand the document may not be the same people that put the document into action. Recovery efforts might be coordinated by project managers who don’t know what some of the words mean. Clarity, consistency, and uniformity matter.

Microsoft Word and most common PDF generation tools can establish intra-document links. Some can automatically create a table of contents from headers and sub-headers.

Although a major disaster may make it possible that no one will have a digital copy, the pervasiveness of small devices and highly redundant cloud storage heavily reduce those odds.

When connecting different parts of a document, ensure that the linkage exists as both a clickable item and with words (e.g., “voice engineering must have restored telephone services before inbound sales can resume”.

Consider splitting the document. This action breaks and sometimes removes links, so use it only as a last resort. You will need to maintain an absolute minimum of one complete digital and one complete physical document.

Each revision will require you to repeat splitting operations. Even if you only revise one section, a shift in page numbering could throw off all unsynchronized copies and splits. As a mitigation, you can use only monolithic digital copies but allow people to selectively print the pages that pertain to them.

You can also use a document management system or multi-document software, such as SharePoint, OneNote, or a wiki. Tools of that kind often have challenges with creating hard copies, though.

To properly protect your virtualization environment and all the data, use Hornetsecurity VM Backup to securely back up and replicate your virtual machine.

We ensure the security of your Microsoft 365 environment through our comprehensive 365 Total Protection Enterprise Backup and 365 Total Backup solutions.

For complete guidance, get our comprehensive Backup Bible, which serves as your indispensable resource containing invaluable information on backup and disaster recovery.

To keep up to date with the latest articles and practices, pay a visit to our Hornetsecurity blog now.

Wrapping up Non-technical Planning

Now you can gather the other people needed for the tasks in this section. If they were not included in previous steps, make sure that they understand the goal: surviving, working through, and recovering from major and minor disasters that affect their departments, their customers, and their interactions with other parts of the business.

As they start work gathering information and preparing their documentation, you can move on to the technical details of recovery.


What is a disaster recovery strategy?

A disaster recovery strategy is a comprehensive plan outlining the steps and procedures an organization follows to resume operations after a disruptive event, such as a natural disaster, cyberattack, or system failure.

Why is a disaster recovery strategy important for businesses?

A disaster recovery strategy is crucial for businesses to minimize downtime, protect data, and ensure continuity of operations in the face of unforeseen events. It helps mitigate risks and safeguards critical business functions.

What components should be included in a disaster recovery strategy?

A robust disaster recovery strategy typically includes risk assessments, data backup procedures, communication plans, IT infrastructure recovery plans, and regular testing to ensure effectiveness.

How often should a disaster recovery strategy be updated?

Disaster recovery strategies should be reviewed and updated regularly to align with changes in technology, business processes, and potential risks. Many experts recommend annual reviews, but the frequency may vary based on organizational changes.

How Often Should I be Taking Backups

How Often Should I be Taking Backups

Now you understand your organization’s data protection needs and you have the means to implement them. To bring it to life, you need to design the schedules for your backups. Unless you have very little data or a high budget for backup, you will use more than one schedule. You will use three metrics:
  1. Value
  2. Frequency of change
  3. Application features

Understanding How the Value of Data Affects Backup Scheduling

The frequency of your full backup schedule directly determines how many copies of data that you will have over time. The more copies you have of any given bits, the greater the odds that at least one copy will survive catastrophe. So, if you have data that you cannot lose under any circumstances, then your schedule should reflect that.

Understanding How the Frequency of Change Affects Backup Scheduling

Data that changes frequently may need an equally frequent backup. As you recall from part one, recovery point objectives (RPO) set the maximum amount of time between backups, which establishes the boundaries of how much recent data you can lose. You must also consider how often that data changes independently of RTO.

If you have data that does not change often, then you might consider a longer RPO. If you only modify an item every few months, then it might not make sense to back it up every week. However, that might have unintended consequences.

As an example, you set a monthly-only schedule for your domain controller because you rarely have staff turnover and only replace a few computers per year. Then, you hire a new employee and supply them with a PC the day after a backup.

If anything happens to Active Directory during that month, then you will lose all that new information. Your schedule needs to consider such possibilities.

Understanding How Backup Application Features Affect Scheduling

You will find that modern commercial backup applications have more in common than different. They all have some way to schedule jobs. Each one uses some way to optimize backups. The exact features in the solutions that you use will influence how you schedule.

The following list provides a starting point for you to determine how to leverage the features in your selected program:

Virtual machine awareness

If your backup software understands how to back up virtual machines, then you can allow it to handle efficient ordering. If not, then you will need to schedule to back up the guest operating systems such that the jobs do not overwhelm your resources.

Space-saving features

If your backup tool can preserve storage space, that has obvious benefits. Everything involves trade-offs – ensure that you know what you give up for that extra space.

Some common considerations:

  • Traditional differential and incremental backups complete more quickly than the full backups they depend on. They mean nothing without their source full backup. Design your schedule to accommodate full backups as time and space allow;
  • Newer delta and deduplication techniques save even more space than differential and incremental jobs but require calculation and tracking in addition to the requisite full backups. They should not use significant CPU time, but you need to test it. Also check to see if and how your application tracks changes. Some will use space on your active disks;
  • If you have extra space in your storage media, then do not depend overly on these technologies. Create more full backups if you can.

Time-saving features

Many of the features in the previous bullet point save time as well as space. As with space, do not try to save time that you do not require.


Replication functions require bandwidth, which can cause severe bottlenecks when crossing Internet links. If a replication job is not completed before the next job begins, then you might end up with unusable backups.

Media types

Due to the wide variance in performance of the various backup media types, the option(s) that you choose will determine how you schedule backups and what space-saving features they use. For instance, if you need to back up several terabytes to tape and a full backup requires twelve hours to perform, then you can only run a full backup when you have twelve hours available.

Snapshot features

If your backup application integrates with VSS (Volume Shadow copy Services – a feature of the Windows Operating System) or uses some other technique to take crash-consistent or application-consistent backups, then you have greater scheduling options.

Backup uses system resources and you do not want one job to conflict with another, but snapshotting allows you to run backups while systems are in use.

You should have become well-acquainted with your backup program during the deployment phase. Take the time to fully learn how your backup program operates. Keep in mind the need for periodic full backups.

Putting It in Action

Since taking full backups every time would quickly exceed any rational quantity of time and media, you must make compromises. Remember that, if possible, you would take a complete backup of all your data at least once per day.

Guidelines for backup scheduling:

  • Full backups need time and resources, even with non-interrupting snapshot technologies. Try to schedule them during low activity periods.
  • Full backups do not depend on other backups. Therefore, they have greatest value after major changes. As an example, some organizations have intricate month-end procedures. Taking a backup immediately afterward could save a lot of time in the event of a restore.
  • Incremental, differential, delta, and deduplicated backups require relatively little time and space compared to full backups, but they depend on other backups. Use them as fillers between full backups.
  • If your backup scheme primarily uses online storage, make certain to schedule backups to offline media. If that is a manual process, implement an accountability plan.
  • Just as administrators tend to perform backups at night, they also like to schedule system and software updates at night. Ensure that schedules do not collide.

Grandfather-father-son sample plan

“Grandfather-father-son” (GFS) schemes are very common. They work best with rotating media such as tapes. One typical example schedule:

  • “Grandfather”: full backup taken once monthly. Grandfather media is rotated annually (overwrite the January 2020 tape with January 2021 backup, February 2020 with February 2021 data, etc.). One “grandfather” type per year, typically the one that follows your organization’s fiscal year end, is never overwritten, following data retention policy.
  • “Father”: full backup taken weekly. “Father” media is rotated monthly (i.e., you have a “Week 1” tape, a “Week 2” tape, etc.).
  • “Son”: incremental or differential backups are taken daily, and their media overwritten weekly (i.e., you have a “Monday” tape, a “Tuesday” tape, etc.).

The above example is not the only type of GFS scheme. The relationship of the different rotation components is how it qualifies. You have one set of very long-term full media, one shorter-lived set of full media, and rapidly rotated media.

Some implementations do not keep the annual media. Others do not rotate the monthly full, instead keeping them for the full backup retention period. Some do not rotate the daily media every week. Your organization’s needs and budget dictate your practices.

With a GFS scheme, you are never more than a few pieces of media away from a complete restore. Remember that a “differential” style backup needs the latest “son” media and the “father” immediately preceding whereas an “incremental” style backup needs the latest “father” media and all of its “sons”.

The downside of a GFS scheme is that you quickly lose the granular level of daily backups. Once you rotate the daily, then anything overwritten will, at best, survive on the most recent monthly or perhaps an annual backup. The greatest risk is to data that is created and destroyed between full backup cycles.

Online media sample plan

If your backup solution uses primarily online media, then the venerated GFS approach might not work well. Most always-online systems do not have the same concept of “rotation”. Instead, they age out old data once it reaches a configured retention policy expiration period.

For these, your configuration will depend on how your backup program stores data. If it uses a deduplication scheme and only keeps a single full backup, then you have little to do except configure backup frequency and retention policy.

Continuous backup sample plan

Many applications have some form of “continuous” backup. They capture data in extremely small time increments. As an example, Hornetsecurity’s VM Backup has a “Continuous Data Protection” (CDP) feature that allows you to set a schedule as short as five minutes.

Scheduling these types of backups involves three considerations:

  1. How does the backup application store the “continuous” backup data?
  2. How quickly does the protected data change?
  3. How much does the protected data change within the target time frame?

If your backup program takes full, independent copies at each interval, then you could run out of media space very quickly. If it uses a deduplication-type storage mechanism, then it should use considerably less. Either way, your rate of data churn will determine how much space you need.

For systems with a very high rate of change, your backup system might not have sufficient time to make one backup before the next starts. That can lead to serious problems, not least of which is that it cannot provide the continuous backup that you want.

You can easily predict how some systems will behave; others need more effort. You may need to spend some time adjusting a setting, watching how it performs, and adjusting again.

Mixed backup plan example

You do not need to come up with a one-size-fits-all schedule. You can set different schedules. Use your RTOs, RPOs, retention policies, and capacity limits as guidance.
One possibility:

  • Domain controllers: standard GFS with one-year retention
  • Primary line-of-business application server (app only): monthly full, scheduled after operating system and software updates, with three-month retention
  • Primary line-of-business database server: continuous, six-month retention
  • Primary file server: standard GFS with five-year retention
  • E-mail server: uses a different backup program that specializes in Exchange, daily full, hourly differential, with five-year retention
  • All: replicated to remote site every day at midnight
  • All: monthly full offline, following retention policies

To properly protect your virtualization environment and all the data, use Hornetsecurity VM Backup to securely back up and replicate your virtual machine.

We ensure the security of your Microsoft 365 environment through our comprehensive 365 Total Protection Enterprise Backup and 365 Total Backup solutions.

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What is a backing schedule?

A backup schedule defines the frequency of data backups and the required backup media. Each hardware type offers various rotation schemes, including industry-standard strategies, and these schemes can be customized after creating the backup job.

What is a good schedule to run a backup?

Typically, performing incremental backups for user files during the daytime is recommended. However, it’s advisable to set maximum speed limits for backups to avoid bandwidth saturation. Full backups are best scheduled nightly and weekly on weekdays.

What is the importance of backup schedule?

The importance of a backup schedule lies in its ability to mitigate data loss in the event of a computer or system failure. By scheduling nightly or weekly backups, you can minimize the potential loss of data. Having a scheduled backup provides peace of mind, ensuring that all your information is regularly backed up, thereby reducing the risk of substantial data loss.