The Secret of IT-Seal’s Successful Security Awareness Trainings

Written by Hornetsecurity / 31.03.2022 /
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As cyberattacks continue to rise against companies in all industries, so does the demand for security awareness training for the workforce. But not all security training is created equal – nor is it equally effective. Find out what’s special about IT-Seal’s awareness training and e-learning in this article.

Our customers repeatedly give us feedback that they chose IT-Seal because of the e-learnings. Why is that? What do we do better than the other providers on the market? We are happy to tell you:

Companies that have been dealing with the topic of security awareness for a long time eventually realize that training alone is not enough. The reason for this is that simple awareness training, with only knowledge transfer, is not enough to build up a human firewall.

It is much more a matter of picking up the employees. To motivate them. Therefore, management must clearly communicate why the training is so important. In addition, processes must be introduced that enable the workforce to become aware of their responsibility to the company and to behave safely in the first place.

Mindset, skillset, toolset – our triad for success

So what is needed for effective security awareness? It is the interplay of mindset, skillset and toolset – which we consistently pursue with our trainings and e-learnings.

The first step is the mindset. It’s about picking up the employees. Why is security awareness so important? Why are we doing all this? And what is my role as an employee?

The next step is about the skillset. In our e-learning courses, which focus on the skillset, employees learn how to recognize dangers and always behave correctly. The focus here is on imparting knowledge.

Last but not least, we focus on the toolset. This involves the introduction of appropriate processes and easy-to-use tools that enable employees to behave correctly in their day-to-day work. Behind this are the innovative technologies of IT-Seal.

So if you want to achieve a sustainable safety culture, you should always reach the people behind the training. Only if the workforce has the will to get involved can the training be crowned with success. In addition, the focus is on tools and processes: if the workforce finds it easy to protect their own company against cyber attacks, they will do so.

Why are IT-Seal’s e-learnings so outstanding?

Many providers on the market focus on pure knowledge transfer as part of their security awareness training. What is the right behavior? How can an attack be detected?

In itself, this approach is not wrong, but it overlooks the employees and excludes both the mindset and the toolset.

A lived security culture can only exist in a company if the workforce knows why they need to address the issue. The point is to make employees aware of their role in the topic of IT security. This is how you generate self-efficacy and show how big your own impact actually is. So the message is, “What you do is incredibly important and makes a difference.”

This is exactly the message we deliver in our e-learnings in our Security Hub.

The trainings and their application must also not overwhelm the participants. It’s not about painting a picture of an overpowering attacker and stoking fear – that only demotivates. Nor should it be about lulling the workforce into a sense of security through the use of firewalls and the like. Expensive technology alone is not enough.

Instead, it’s important to take a positive, motivational approach and emphasize the self-efficacy of each individual. This is also the secret of our success. If, at the same time, we succeed in incorporating playful elements into the e-learning and making it interactive, the training is a well-rounded experience.

Take a look at our e-learnings. Click here to register for the demo.

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