IT Pro Tuesday #329

Written by Hornetsecurity / 25.11.2024 /
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Welcome back to IT Pro Tuesday!

In the latest Security Swarm Podcast: “What is the State of Ransomware in 2024,” we examine the latest ransomware survey findings. You’ll hear about the evolving landscape of cyber threats, including key trends in ransomware attacks, the decreasing number of overall incidents, and the increasing severity of successful breaches. The conversation provides crucial insights for mitigating ransomware risks.

We’re looking for favorite tips and tools we can share with the community… those that help you do your job better and more easily. Please share your suggestions on the IT Pro Tuesday subreddit, and we’ll be featuring them in the coming weeks.

Now on to this week’s list!

A Free Tool

ClickPaste is a Windows 10/11 app that allows you to paste clipboard contents wherever you click via configurable keystrokes. MFKDGAF appreciates it when standard pasting won’t work, e.g., “I have a client that runs Azure VMware Solution, and in order to connect to the machines in vShpere, I have to connect to the management jump box via Azure Bastion. [From there] I can launch the vSphere client and connect to the machine via web client, but I cannot paste anything such as usernames and passwords to login to the machine. This is where ClickPaste comes in…”

A Tutorial

WindowsApps folder getting out of hand? explains an easy way you can clean out all the unnecessary shared update files that can get left behind on older multi-user Windows 11 systems. FittestMembership explains, “Running [this command] is clearing almost 10GB from each PC! That’s insane that 10% of the PC storage is just old versions of windows apps it’s decided to keep around for no good reason.”

Another Free Tool

Flameshot is an easy-to-use, customizable screenshot tool for Linux. The GUI includes a variety of tools for editing your screenshots, and you can save the resulting images locally or upload to Imgur. 47hampsters adds, “Flameshot is free SnagIT.”

A Podcast

Discover Daily Podcast is taken from the Perplexity “Discover” feed that digs into the innovations, sciences, and culture of tech. Episodes are auto-generated from text using ElevenLab’s voices, enabling you to listen to the latest news of the day without the usual recording or scheduling delays. Appreciated by sassanix.

training resource

Infosec Youtube Channel offers a wealth of expert cybersecurity videos covering everything from industry trends to the latest threats to career advice. You’ll find security awareness content, skills trainings, hack info, and full Infosec Inspire conference presentations. Kindly suggested by ottoe57.

P.S. Bonus Free Tools

phpipam is an open-source web IP address management application. Features include IPv4/IPv6 address management, ICMP status updates, domain authentication (AD)/OpenLDAP authentication, per-group permissions, VRF support, device management, and more. Thanks go to ViciousEntropy for the recommendation.

Paraglider is a new project designed to simplify the creation and management of both single- and multi-cloud networks. By hiding the complexity of components like virtual networks, access controls, load balancers, and inter-cloud connections; this interesting prototype delivers a unified cross-cloud control plane to streamline cloud networking.

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