Fully automated customer installation with the antispameurope plugin for plesk
Use of the antispameurope Spamfilter relieves servers up to 80 percent
Providers using the platform Parallels Plesk and the cloud security services of antispameurope will be happy to hear this: With the new Plesk plugin antispameurope allows for a considerably simplified installation and management of its spamfilter service. New customer data is directly transferred from the Plesk into the antispameurope Control Panel without having to log into the Control Panel separately. Also, the MX records are immediately adapted. The Plesk plugin is available as of now.
antispameurope partners who administer their customer base with Plesk just need to install the new plugin. Subsequently they can immediately register their new customers for antispameurope products through the plugin. Using the antispameurope Spamfilter relieves the provider’s IT infrastructure considerably. Emails do not have to be checked for virus and spam mails on the Plesk Server, as antispameurope only delivers clean emails to the mail servers. Therefore, local filtering is not necessary and the email traffic decreases, which relieves the system performance in general. This relief reaches up to 80 percent.
Another interesting feature for providers is the possibility of the self-administration. With the integration of the antispameurope Control Panel to Plesk, customers can now configure the spam filter for themselves, administrate their blacklists and whitelists, analyse their email stream and process their email quarantine. This helps the provider save time, as the customer can track every email themself. Shortly, providers will also have the possibility to administer further antispameurope solutions like email encryption, email archiving the webfilter service and the fully encrypted cloud storage Hornetdrive through the plugin.
“With our newly developed plugin we can now offer our partners, who use Plesk for their administration, much additional comfort in managing their customers”, says Daniel Hofmann, CEO of antispameurope. “Especially big partners and providers with a high number of domains will save an extensive amount of time with the plugin.”
About antispameurope:
antispameurope, the leading German cloud security provider, protects the IT infrastructure, communication and data of companies and organisations regardless of size. The Hanover-based security specialist provides its services through redundant, secure data centres in Germany in accordance with German data protection laws. The solutions include the encrypted storage service HORNETDRIVE, spam and virus filters, email archiving, continuity service and automatic email encryption. All the services provided by the company can be quickly implemented and are available around the clock.
Further information is available at www.antispameurope.com and www.hornetdrive.com