Control Panel Version

Written by Hornetsecurity / 30.09.2019 / Control Panel,Release-Notes


  • The new release allows partners to delete an existing 365 Total Protection customer.
  • The input in the role search of the Control Panel can now be deleted with a button.
  • The Control Panel has a new error page for different cases.
  • The display of the tooltips has been revised.
  • The documentation of the API endpoints was revised and is more consistent and understandable now.
  • You can now access the manual directly from the HTML-CP.


  • The Signature & Disclaimer module can be opened with Internet Explorer again.
  • The role search of the Control Panel was improved.
  • The template for the Progressive Web App splash screen has been improved.
  • Minor errors in the layout of the Control Panel were corrected.
  • The delayed synchronization of header information from email live tracking is now displayed with a “load icon”.