Control Panel Version

Written by Hornetsecurity / 15.03.2019 / Control Panel,Release-Notes

That’s new:

  • It is now possible to export the search results as a .csv file in the Email Live Tracking. The exported columns can be selected individually.
  • The Control Panel font has been updated.
  • The Ex-Post-Alert has been automated. Thus, you receive a notification even faster if an email was later recognized as hazardous.
  • Users can now use a function to generate their own API access tokens to use the API.

Fixed Bugs:

  • Partners can select their customers in the role selection correctly again.
  • Problems with the assignment of rights during the synchronization of new mailboxes have been fixed.
  • The search field in the Email Live Tracking has been enlarged.
  • If JavaScript is disabled in the web browser, an error message appears saying that JavaScript must be enabled to use the Control Panel.