Control Panel Version

Written by Anja Bußmann / 27.10.2023 / Control Panel,Release-Notes


  • The connection of the frontend to the backend of the Security Awareness Service has been reworked.


  • The header view in the email details in the “Email Live Tracking” module now matches the actual email header and shows leading white spaces.
  • In the “Email Live Tracking” module, the display of the CSV export has been improved, and the data export settings no longer overlap on smaller screen sizes.
  • In the “Email Live Tracking” module, an error in the display of the button for opening the email details has been fixed.
  • Under “Customer Settings > Mailboxes”, an error in the display of long aliases has been fixed.
  • The table under “Customer Settings > Domains” has been revised and can now be sorted.
  • In the “Deny & Allow Lists” module, a display error in the tables has been fixed. Long descriptions no longer overlap the following columns.
  • An error in the “Auditing” module has been fixed. Duplicate entries for an update action are no longer created.
  • The handling of errors in the “Auditing” module has been improved.
  • A spelling error in French emails related to the emergency password for the Continuity Service has been fixed.
  • Emails with .eml attachments sent by the Control Panel now use the same attachment headers as Microsoft, and thus are not stripped by Microsoft Exchange Online.
  • The settings from the “Customization” module are now applied faster.
  • An error while starting a mailbox migration during an upgrade to 365 Total Protection has been fixed.