Control Panel Version

Written by Isaac Soriano-Tapia / 28.08.2023 / Control Panel,Release-Notes


  • In the “Security Awareness Service” module, administrators of all customers can now register the email address of their IT support for Phishing Reporter. Emails reported with Phishing Reporter which are not part of the phishing simulation are forwarded to this address. IT support can then check the emails and inform the original recipients whether they were dangerous or not.
  • While the Secure Links function of Advanced Threat Protection scans a website, tips for the safe handling of links in emails are displayed in the browser.
  • In the “Security Awareness Service” module, administrators must now confirm the activation of the privacy mode in a confirmation window. This additional step is intended to prevent administrators from activating the privacy mode by mistake.
  • In the ” Customer Settings > Authentication” module, administrators can now enforce multi-factor authentication for users.


  • In the “Security Awareness Service” module, a bug when adding groups at a later time has been fixed. If the Awareness Engine is disabled and a new group is added to the Security Awareness Service, this group is now included in the e-trainings.
  • If a customer deactivates the Security Awareness Service but activates it again within 14 days, the Security Awareness Service is applied to this customer with their original settings.
  • An error during the deactivation of the phishing simulation has been fixed in the “Security Awareness Service” module.
  • In the “Security Awareness Service” module, the correct values are now displayed in the “Date” column of the action schedule.
  • In the “Security Awareness Service” module, users with the “security_awareness” role no longer receive an error message when opening the “Configuration” tab.
  • In the “Security Awareness Service” module, an error in displaying a tooltip in the form for generating a list of sender domains has been fixed.
  • In the “Security Awareness Service” module, a link to the manual page on infrastructure configuration has been fixed.
  • In the “Deny & Allow Lists” module at customer level, a validation error in the backend when adding an allow list entry for Secure Links has been corrected.
  • In the “Deny & Allow Lists” module at customer level, an error when editing an allow list entry for Secure Links has been fixed. All filters except Secure Links are now disabled.
  • In the “Deny & Allow Lists” module at customer level, an error when saving allow list entries for Secure Links has been fixed. The setting whether the allow list entry also refers to its subdomains is now saved correctly.
  • In the “Deny & Allow Lists” module, at customer level, an error when creating allow list entries for Secure Links has been fixed. All filters except Secure Links are now disabled.
  • In the “Deny & Allow Lists” module at customer level, the allow list entry type “URL (only for Secure Links)” has been renamed to ” Site domain (only for Secure Links)”.
  • The warning that appears in the browser if the Secure Links feature of Advanced Threat Protection is unable to scan a URL has been improved.
  • In the “Reporting & Compliance > Auditing 2.0” module, an error in the CSV export has been fixed if a page other than the first one in the audit log list had been opened.
  • In the “Service Dashboard” module, an error when scrolling through the table of role assignments has been fixed.
  • In the “Service Dashboard” module, errors affecting users with multiple roles have been fixed. Errors occurred both when adding and removing role assignments.
  • In the “Dashboard” module, an error when loading the direct link for 365 Permission Manager has been fixed.
  • In the “Customer Configuration > Mailboxes” module, an error has been fixed in the “Mailbox Migration” tab when filtering by mailbox assignment status.
  • The layout of the tables in Control Panel has been reworked. Headers and footers now have a border that makes them stand out better on dark backgrounds.
  • The mobile view of the 365 Extended Email Protection onboarding has been reworked.
  • In the “365 Extended Email Protection > Connection Status” module, the background now remains unchanged during the onboarding process or when selecting another client in the scope selection and does not reload.
  • In the “Backup > 365 Total Backup” module, the linked web page with more information about the service now opens in the language in which Control Panel is configured.
  • In the “Email Live Tracking” module, the behavior when resetting a search filter has been improved.
  • The “Authentication Policies & IPs” module in the “Customer Settings” module has been renamed to “Authentication”.
  • In the “Customer Settings > Authentication” module, the “Save” button in the “Auto Logout” section is now only enabled if there are unsaved changes. In addition, the administrator is warned if he wants to exit the module without saving his changes.