Control Panel Version

Written by Aaron-Maletz / 03.08.2023 / Control Panel,Release-Notes


  • In the “Email Live Tracking” module, an error in displaying the email headers and SMTP dialog has been fixed.
  • In the “Security Awareness Service” module, administrators can define that emails that have been reported via the Phishing Reporter add-in and are not part of the phishing simulation will be forwarded to the IT support of the customer’s organization. The emails to the IT support contain buttons that allow the IT support to provide feedback to the recipient of the original email. An error in the links of the buttons has been fixed.
  • An error that resulted in the automatic creation of mailboxes for existing customers with POP3/IMAP in the Control Panel has been fixed.
  • It is no longer possible to create users with invalid email addresses that contain “mailto:”.