Control Panel Version

Written by Anja Bußmann / 28.10.2022 / Control Panel,Release-Notes


  • In the “Security Awareness Training” module, it is now possible to automatically configure the advanced delivery of simulated phishing emails in Microsoft 365 Defender.
  • In the CSV export of the “Email Live Tracking” module, the field “SMTP code” has been changed to “SMTP status code”. This field only exports the first three digits of the SMTP code. The “SMTP status” field has been added to the CSV export. It exports the whole SMTP status.


  • In the “Dashboard” module, an error in the display of backup services has been fixed.
  • In the “Security Awareness Training” module, the dependencies between the Awareness Engine the phishing simulation have been improved.
  • In the statistics of the “Security Awareness Training” module, the display of reported emails is now reset once the add-in “Reporter Button” has been deactivated.
  • In the “Deny & Allow Lists” module, it is now possible to add URLs for URL Rewriting whose top-level domains contain more than 3 characters.
  • When assigning e-trainings manually in the “Security Awareness Training” module, the assignment date is set to the following day by default.
  • In the “E-Trainings” tab of the “Statistics” submodule in the “Security Awareness Training” module, an error in the display of the status of e-trainings per group has been fixed.