Control Panel Version

Written by Anja Bußmann / 07.10.2020 / Control Panel,Release-Notes


  • The Compliance Filter has been implemented as an HTML module. Individual rules for incoming and outgoing emails can now be created on a simplified user interface.
  • In the Quarantine Report module, you can now create individual texts for quarantine reports.
  • The time and date format in the quarantine reports has been modified: The format now depends on the region selected in the settings.


  • The user interface of the Control Panel has been improved in several places.
  • In the Email Encryption module, the Websafe can now be activated again.
  • Errors in the display of deny and allow lists have been corrected.
  • In the Signature and Disclaimer module, errors in the display of the preview have been fixed.
  • An error in Spam and Malware Protection has been fixed that caused some emails to be delivered without body.
  • In Advanced Threat Protection, the detection of potentially dangerous documents by URL Scanning has been improved.