Control Panel Version

Written by Anja Bußmann / 15.09.2020 / Control Panel,Release-Notes


  • The Email Live Tracking module now shows if an email is sent encrypted between our servers and the customer, as well as between our servers and the communication partner.
  • In the Email Live Tracking module, the colors of the email categories have been revised.
  • The scope of the SPF check in the Email Authentication module has been extended.


  • Users with the service_desk role can now again perform ATP scans.
  • An error concerning the exceptions for DKIM signatures in the Email Authentication module has been fixed.
  • An error in the display of encrypted emails has been fixed.
  • An error concerning the addition of domains and mailboxes in the Customer Settings module has been fixed.
  • An error concerning the deactivation of the audit access in the Archiving module has been fixed.
  • Errors concerning mailboxes that differ from each other in the previous Control Panel and in the HTML Control Panel have been fixed.