Control Panel Version

Written by Anja Bußmann / 18.06.2020 / Control Panel,Release-Notes


  • The module Continuity Service has been implemented in HTML.
  • In the Service Dashboard, the former tab Contact Data has also been implemented in HTML and combined with the role management. Please make sure that all your contacts are registered users in the Control Panel.
  • The default roles have been extended to include the role Marketing. The role is aimed at employees who create signatures and disclaimers. It can be assigned in addition to any of the other default roles to grant a person access to the module Signature and Disclaimer.
  • The module 365 Total Protection now displays the number of users with Microsoft 365 licenses.
  • You can now perform full-text searches in the module Auditing 2.0.
  • The automatic user creation has been modified.


  • Whitelabeling has been modified.
  • The user search has been improved.
  • Password changes now also apply immediately to the former Control Panel.
  • An error in the creation of domains has been fixed.
  • An error in the delivery of emails from quarantine has been fixed.
  • The display of some elements in the Control Panel has been improved and standardized.