Control Panel Version

Written by Hornetsecurity / 07.11.2019 / Control Panel,Release-Notes


  • The role “Reporter” was added. The users assigned with this role have access to all statistics modules of the Control Panel. Since this role is only intended for the evaluation of statistics, it doesn’t grant access to any other modules. However, it is possible to add further roles to the user, such as the user role.
  • In Auditing 2.0, administrators can now see further information about the corresponding entries.
  • The Service Dashboard has been moved up in the menu structure and is now the second menu item.


  • The email actions related to setting black or whitelist entries now work correctly.
  • Deleted 365 Total Protection customers are no longer displayed in the scope selection after deletion.
  • Users with the role “Admin” now only see relevant modules for the selected scope.
  • The certificate administration can be accessed under “Secure Transport”.
  • By selecting a partner in the scope selection, you can now set restrictions for all customers under that partner under “Customer Settings”.
  • Minor bugs related to the Archive Audit have been fixed.
  • The Spam Report settings in “User Settings” now match the settings in “Security Settings”. Previously, the selected time was not displayed correctly.
  • The double-click filtering option by empty subject and the associated errors have been fixed.
  • The double-click filtering option is now also available in “Auditing”.
  • The changes made in the whitelabeling module are also logged for the customer/domain in “Auditing”.
  • Changes to the IP restrictions are logged in “Auditing”.
  • The error message for expired auditor accesses has been corrected.
  • The error message for CSV export when no items are available has been adjusted.
  • The SMTP dialog is now displayed correctly on mobile devices.
  • The automatic connector installation when setting up 365 Total Protection is displayed again.