VM Backup Version

Written by Hornetsecurity / 14.08.2024 / Release-Notes,VM Backup

Please note the following changes to system requirements introduced in V9.1:

  • REST API Port is now 36013
  • REST API base url is http://localhost:36013/api/rest
  • Remote connections (either using the “Remote Machine” or “Connection Manager” features) are only compatible with installations also running V9.1.

Updated system requirements can be found here: What are the system requirements for VM Backup? – Hornetsecurity KnowledgeBase


  • A new upgrade experience from V8 to V9.1 has been introduced:
    • V8 and V9.1 can now run side-by-side on the same machine. Installing V9.1 will not affect backups running on V8.
    • A new upgrade wizard in V9.1 allows users to select Virtual Machines for upgrading from V8 to V9.1.
  • The VM Backup Management Console now features a new Hornetsecurity color theme.


  • The loading speed and overall responsiveness of the VM Backup Management Console have been significantly improved.