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The Monthly Threat Report by Hornetsecurity brings you monthly insights into M365 security trends, email-based threats, and commentary on current events in the cybersecurity space. This edition of the Monthly Threat Report focuses on data from the month of September 2023.  

The cybersecurity landscape is ever-evolving, and this month is no exception. Andy and Umut will be analysing the latest types of email threats. Unsurprisingly, the Entertainment and Mining industries continue to be the bullseye for malicious actors. Over the past 30 days, these sectors have borne the brunt of cyberattacks. Meanwhile, Microsoft remains in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons, as security incidents continue to plague the tech giant. This raises questions about the company’s security culture and its ability to safeguard its vast user base. 

Tune in for more details! 

Episode Resources:

Monthly Threat Report – October 2023