Control Panel Version

Written by Isaac Soriano-Tapia / 03.07.2023 / Control Panel,Release-Notes


  • Customers with the Security Awareness Service who cannot allow phishing simulation emails in their email systems via IP addresses or DKIM signatures can use domains as a fallback solution instead. For this purpose, personalized lists of domains can be downloaded from the “Security Awareness Service” module. Various wildcard options provide versatility. For each customer, the sender addresses of the emails from the phishing simulation and the URLs of the links contained in these emails belong exclusively to these domains. Thus, the emails from the phishing simulation can be identified as part of the phishing simulation by the security mechanisms of the customer’s email systems.
  • For better user privacy, the “Security Awareness Service” module does not display statistics for groups with fewer than ten members.


  • Under “Security Awareness Service > Configuration > Phishing Simulation”, a display error in the table for test emails has been corrected.